This big dick ain't going to cum on it's own knowwhatimean still waiting for that hot moaning and cock sucking sounds vocaroo
how do you expect to entice a nigga to pay for your crack fix if you gonna leave him all blue ballsed and shiiiet like this slut ^.^ ??
*scratches massive balls* *clicks tongue* Fuck this shiiiet mang I'm out
That didn't hurt my feelings, but you still shouldn't say mean things. Imagine if someone said to you what you just said to me and imagine how you would feel about it.
I apologize Shenequa. You are a woman of class and worth more than that big wet mouth of yours
Thank you for correcting my disrespectful attitude. sometimes I see a juicy thicc dark chocolate ass like yours and lose control a little bit
Try Tinder.
LOL baby girl, aint no hoe on tinder got an ass like that which you packinaint no lackin in that backin knowwhatimsayin