I'm just going to copy the top 10 list here:
1. Yawn in front of people a lot.
2. Use chocolate to train people to like you.
3. If you don’t like talking to people, see if you can tune yourself to only hear the intonation [of their voices], and find the correct response based on [tone] alone.
4. Body language is very important. Mimic people.
5. Housekeeping (or other junior staff) can be conditioned with bells and croissants.
6. Remember to add errors and idiosyncrasies to speech patterns to add depth to a cold personality.
7. How to avoid that occasional moment of hesitation when someone is in your walking path.
8. Harness the power of the ‘Ben Franklin Effect’ to get someone to like you by simply asking them for favors.
9. If you want someone to stop talking to you, subtly hint you like something they disagree with.
10. Learn how to imitate excitement.
Pretty solid list actually.
So the best advice I can give is, sometimes a little bro is acting too hard when he is 7. Just give his stupid ass the belt. And keep screaming "NOW WHAT'S GOING ON? NOW WHAT'S GOING ON?" Preferably when they're playing Fortnite with their friends.
Burst into their room at random hours of the day to see if they're wanking it. Like blast the door down, screaming. Just run in and start yelling "POGGERS, POGCHAMP, EZ CLAP." I'm sure they will get it.
Finally, your post made no sense. Listen Cat Lady, if you're gonna be one, just go all-in. Don't fuck us around on this homosexual gambit.
11. You don’t have to be a dick just because you’re a sociopath. Try not to be a dick.
But how?
BTW sociopaths don't exist. you Hollywood drama queen freaks ;)
Correct, they're called ASPD now within various subclauses.