Can you please take that off.
I can’t see very well so I have to hold the phone literally up to my fucking eye so I can find the damn umbrella 12 times
seriously I can’t do this shit everyday this is rediculous on mobile
and THEN I click log in and it doesn’t ever work the first time
I have to refresh the page
click log in again
fill it out login
and then I’m in after it’s all had to load a total of four times now
and including the captcha now a fucking fifth time
it takes me way too long to log in is what I’m trying to say and it’s really frustrating
I’ve asked to have this issue corrected repeadetly As well:
Please for the love of god let my user stay signed in if I don’t click the log off button no automatic logging me out
please just these simple things.
and then lastly please make it easier to imbed YouTube videos, gifs, and images.
I know you can’t allow direct upload but discord can so
it would be nice if we could just share directly to a post but I suppose that’s too high tech for SC
the junky shit website aesthetic of this website has become nostalgic for me so I don’t mind it as much but
can we have some necessary functionalities updated
also the PM system is shit because it takes forever to load when you click on a persons name and shit like it’s not smooth
I hate using it and there is all kinds of problems with it
those are my main priorities for now.
focus on that instead of making fucking “genres” or whatever
no one wants this website to change in that regard we even had a discussion about it in a thread and no one wants that
so please don’t change it. I like it the way it is.
the users of SC should have a say man.