Who stores their boxed pantry items (food) forward facing instead instead of sideways be honest
Cereal before milk or after milk (pouring)
Internal monologue or no internal monologue
visuals / sound / music in your head, none, or some
Brush teeth before or after wetting tooth brush
brush teeth front to back, or back to front
shower facing water or back to water
sleep on stomach, back, left side, or right side
do you spoon your pillow, no extra pillow, or put your leg over pillow while spooning it
Coffee or tea
left handed or right handed
left hand on the steering wheel or right hand on the steering wheel, or both, or none of the above
thumb wrapped around the steering wheel or not wrapped around it
do you fold your pizza, pat it for grease, or eat it with a fork and knife, etc. how do you eat your pizza.
seat belt or no seat belt
shower in the morning, or at night? Or none of the above