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This site needs serious design work

Posts: 9354

I hate it so much I’m doing it from scratch my own version 


and you can suck my dick 


it it will be available as a theme option so if you prefer this version, or my version you have the option for both 


You’re fuckin welcome suck my cock 

Posts: 3136
-1 votes RE: This site needs serious...

No blanc.

Posts: 2266
1 votes RE: This site needs serious...

Didn't you already try this and freak out?

Posts: 1511
0 votes RE: This site needs serious...

"i confirm im 18+" message when visiting the site is what i hate most about it, it takes a while to load for me

Posts: 2861
0 votes RE: This site needs serious...

You keep saying this, but you do nothing and its always encouraged that you do something.

Makes me wonder if its not just whining at this point. But so far i only wonder, dont know for sure.

Cheery bye!
last edit on 6/14/2019 7:27:58 AM
Posts: 2861
0 votes RE: This site needs serious...
Cawk said: 

"i confirm im 18+" message when visiting the site is what i hate most about it, it takes a while to load for me

it is saved in the cookies after you click it, so you dont have to click it again, but your vpns/tors/others might fuck up the cookies.

Cheery bye!
Posts: 2815
0 votes RE: This site needs serious...
Good said: 
Cawk said: 

"i confirm im 18+" message when visiting the site is what i hate most about it, it takes a while to load for me

it is saved in the cookies after you click it, so you dont have to click it again, but your vpns/tors/others might fuck up the cookies.

 I think he just wants the message taken down to encourage minors to join for him to prey on

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 1511
0 votes RE: This site needs serious...
Good said: 
Cawk said: 

"i confirm im 18+" message when visiting the site is what i hate most about it, it takes a while to load for me

it is saved in the cookies after you click it, so you dont have to click it again, but your vpns/tors/others might fuck up the cookies.

 at least half the community uses those when coming here, nothing new at this point

mods used to view ips on loona's sc lol, people here using proxies has become even more frequent

Posts: 33162
0 votes RE: This site needs serious...
Good said: 

You keep saying this, but you do nothing and its always encouraged that you do something.

Makes me wonder if its not just whining at this point. 

I think it's more connected to her mood from outside contexts, like an itch being scratched by something entirely unrelated. 

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9 posts
This site contains NSFW material. To view and use this site, you must be 18+ years of age.