And the story behind it!
Before I was blanc
i was... discomar95
(Dies laughing) it puts the biggest smile on my face to talk about because I’ve made so many (embarrassing cringe) memories under this username, it was essentially my entire childhood.
😆 hownit was created, I was in 5th grade and my sister started making me an AIM account? So I could b cool and chat with all my cool IRL friends and internet friends
and at the time we just had this crappy hunk of junk dinosaur computer in our kitchen like off in this disgusting dingy corner and she’s sitting at it setting up my account, and I’m just standing next to her waiting... and she goes “what do you want your screen name to be”
and I didn’t know and she said well what do you like to do and I was like I like to disco and started like spinning around doing that weird... dance... (adhd)
trying to be funny and sarcastic but then she took me seriously and made that my username
and it just stuck with me for like a decade of my life lol