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alt right is gay

Posts: 738

these faggots cling onto a 100 year old symbolism because they're too unoriginal and boring to come up with something original, the worst part is whenever someone like paul joseph watson posts some dumb shit they're all like "OMGGGG SOMEONE GOING UP AGAINST THE ESTABLISHMETN!!1!11!" when the truth is they've become an establishment themselves, the real nazis were of the 30s who you can actually respect, these people are mostly banal edgy morons



Posts: 2277
1 votes RE: alt right is gay

its ok to be white

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 738
0 votes RE: alt right is gay

its ok but they're basically the left turned on its head

Posts: 566
0 votes RE: alt right is gay
TPG said: 

these faggots cling onto a 100 year old symbolism because they're too unoriginal and boring to come up with something original, the worst part is whenever someone like paul joseph watson posts some dumb shit they're all like "OMGGGG SOMEONE GOING UP AGAINST THE ESTABLISHMETN!!1!11!" when the truth is they've become an establishment themselves, the real nazis were of the 30s who you can actually respect, these people are mostly banal edgy morons



 hit the nail on the head

Most of them are internet social rejects that only think hitler is kewl because it's counter culture. The swastika is a sign to take down the "establishment" as much as the anarchy A.

Actual fascist that hang onto the principles I can at least respect

I am with you, even unto the end of the age
Posts: 833
0 votes RE: alt right is gay

Identity Politics in general is just a cancer. 

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