Let’s talk about all the mistakes we made in life and laugh about it
*pours vodka*
So, when I was 21 I decided it was a good idea to break up with the love of my life because I thought that our values didn’t align and I feared for our future as a couple instead of just trusting that everything would work out.
*pours vodka*
I also decided that year to go home and see my parents again after years of being disowned, thinking that I could single handedly mend our relationship over time. Breaking up with my *next* girlfriend, to move back home- despite having it made, a place to live with several room mates (cheap rent) and a loyal loving girlfriend who was amazing.
Hahahahahah aaahhahah
*pours vodka*
I also decided to go to a concert with one of my side hoe, oh yes- I decided to cheat on the love of my life with another girl rather than talking about our issues or any of my issues. I had such issues going on. And this is how I dealt with it. SO smart. And I decided to go to a concert- with her, causing me to miss a biology exam.
I was allowed to make up this exam one day, but me and the girl went for dinner just before I was expected to go to the makeup exam- and on the way there I got in a car wreck. Because the girl I was with, jumped, and lurched her hand across my face and pointed at something. It scared the shit out of me so I slammed on my breaks and the dude behind me blowed into us- totalling my only vehicle.
Leaving me without a car for a very long time, and, an F on a biology exam!
*pours vodka*