note to myselfdont start an actual conv with an autist, its like talkin to a broken tetris program
i didnt think u would be so upfront about your inability to deal with sc trolling tactics xd
is someone admittin hes an autist lmaoit wasnt even meant for u
Just treat it like an AI.
even if u play it like that it doesnt matter cuz theyre dumb af
They're real life's Min/Maxers, like a mental jock.
the problem is also that they got an egoits like theyre ndps but without the social dynamic understanding of npdssmth might be painfully obvious but just cuz its not literal it goes over their head its annoyin
Turncoat said: Just treat it like an AI. Are you comparing me to an AI?Hello Gord-
where did you see me referring to myself? your verbal intelligence is showing xd