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I feel like I'm turning into a soulless and indifferent creature.

Posts: 779

life without empathy is a piece of shit.

Posts: 5402
0 votes RE: I feel like I'm turning...

oh god how long will you keep this up you crazy cunt 

Posts: 833
0 votes RE: I feel like I'm turning...
Dima79 said: 

life without empathy is a piece of shit.

 Is it causing you trouble because you used to once be able to love and care about others but that all faded away as your condition worsened? So, now your basically trapped in your own mind with thoughts and it feels like a constant headache nagging at you, to the point where you have conflicting thoughts and ideas?

Posts: 779
0 votes RE: I feel like I'm turning...
Dima79 said: 

life without empathy is a piece of shit.

 Is it causing you trouble because you used to once be able to love and care about others but that all faded away as your condition worsened? So, now your basically trapped in your own mind with thoughts and it feels like a constant headache nagging at you, to the point where you have conflicting thoughts and ideas?

 yes, Sintetika, you're right. I don't love anyone. I try to love my daughter, but all attempts are in vain. it ends with her annoying me with her constant demand to play or take a walk with her. I know I'm supposed to be different, but I don't know how. and I don't understand the meaning of that existence. this year there were so few days with a good mood. I'm afraid my schizophrenia is progressing.

Posts: 779
1 votes RE: I feel like I'm turning...
Xadem said: 

oh god how long will you keep this up you crazy cunt 

 you fucking little freak there are on the forum for crazies, so sit down and listen to what the senior crazies tell you. 

Posts: 779
0 votes RE: I feel like I'm turning...

the joys of schizophrenia:

Disorganized behavior
Disorganized behavior refers to an overall inability to control your behavior across contexts, such as at home and work. You may have trouble with:

performing ordinary daily activities
controlling your impulses
keeping your emotions in check
containing behaviors that are considered odd or inappropriate
This symptom can affect your work life, social life, and home life.

Negative symptoms
Negative symptoms refer to a lack of behaviors that are found in people who don’t have schizophrenia. For example, negative symptoms can include:

anhedonia, or lack of enthusiasm for activities that are generally perceived as fun
lack of emotions
blunted expression
decreased overall interest in the world

Suicidal thoughts
Suicidal thoughts and behaviors are another common symptom of schizophrenia. They happen more often in cases that are left untreated. If you or someone you know is having thoughts of suicide or self-harm, call your local emergency services right away. They can connect you with a mental health professional who can help.

Guys! I'm losing my annual war against this shit. I talked to my psychiatrist, but she says they give me the best medicine they have. now I don't have hallucinations and delusions, but all the other shit I have left.

last edit on 6/10/2019 5:49:43 AM
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