If Major Major Major Major was Legga, that'd certainly be strange because I've worked with Major, him and I shared similar goals when Luna's SC was still around, so I would've never taken him for being Legga.
Honestly, what is with throwing around accusations of who is who.
It's funny how people can easily believe that one person is another.
How can someone like me be Bohemian, but also allegedly be very similar to Systematic. Not in accusing me of being Systematic, just similar to in personality.
Are Bohemian and Systematic similar as well?
Like with the whole BR = Sintetika thing. How could anyone actually believe that? Turncoat jokingly believed it, but someone like Peach was seemed pretty convinced. Though, I guess this can also stem from not paying attention, and so you don't even analyze the two different people, you see a few similar characteristics and boom you got your answer.
I'm just saying if you're going to care enough to accuse someone of being a puppet of someone else, at least take the damn time to analyze the alleged puppet and how they act and juxtapose it with the person you're accusing the "puppet" of being. Otherwise you're just spreading disinformation and confusing everyone. Unless of course, that's your goal.