so this dude is the druggie that overdoses on heroin and lsd but then he tries to say that his hallucinations are world revelations of jesus
after reports and research in the forum, he thinks that he is enlightened and has ascended the limited parts of human lives but
the reality behind that is: he is 33 or so, he lives with his parents, he had crushes on these broads here which in fact got creampied by the pedo named jim here or other ebullies
when he isnt overdosin to cope with his reality which is a room full of cum socks
he has supreme intellectual battles here which end with ppl trollin him for his autism
i doubt that he has npd cuz npds arent dumb enough to have npd while they live with their parents but
i am very certain he has some sort of disorder which possibly includes disorting reality
evidence about that:
he hasnt killed himself despite livin with his parents at 34 and he consider himself "spatial mind"
-possibly schizophrenic