describin the personalities/cope/tactics of all of u so far
startin with the king aspergers-trypta
trayptamine: apparently he had a server named cc, where he was havin issues with its management, his server got nuked by someone-secret - aka jim, who in fact tested his bot first time on his server
currently whereabouts: servers about drugs or shit posting, sc
current rs: the biggest lolcow of e-thots named blanc, apparently he has a connection with her obesity and drug abuse and constant self pity
reason: she fucked him when he was poor and drunk
conclusion: it takes one night stand and some financial issues for the king aspergers trypta to form "love" for someone
his current life consists of: based on what i observed here, hes here about 10 hours per day
his sc usage consists of protectin blanc from trolls or bullies- circle jerking with someone secret when a new troll arrives to take control of the spergin site
- lore number 1- trypta sperg-completed