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My alibi sleepwalk for elopement/fleeing. Only when celebrity like me.

Posts: 1354

I tried to flee this morning got locked out of my condo apartent and told the cops and an agent I had been sleepwalking. I did not even get to a terry stop three times. I did walk out the route I "sleep walked." The agent arrived,  and with a wink and a laugh knowingly let me go. But really I thought the cops might be part of the/my gambit to let me in. *.  

I had really wanted out but in my haste I had left the opposite part of the two part key fob

under my lace panties on my bed. * 

If it could not get any worse, my iphone had stopped *

In any case this will only work when paired with my party line. Which at (May 14) 4:30 am on a Friday was:   

I am the MK , Please consider my recent publc life, if you were to arrest me I would like to be given privacy.  (I hate minding P's&Q's especially with cops.)

This will not work for any of you in any case, but the moral here is that given my recent celebrity, I wanted to tickle at their request for acknowledgment (their gambit anyway), while staying on the right side of the law.

"The" is important here. As I came to know recently * most govt agcy do not use 'the' to insiders.   

 I thought I had taken the "L" especially in my effort to overshare with my superior by text message, but he also l et me know with a wink to have a nice memorial day weeknd: "M.,Please take good care of yourself." (We are on a first name basis here.)

There is more to this story . . .

last edit on 5/16/2020 1:51:28 AM
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Part II Teasing an Album


As I  walked out of my condo hallway and then walked into the street in my "sleepwalking route" , Sleepwalking was not part of my gambit ahead of time. It came to me when I escaped the confines of my apartment and by this time on the street level as if by dream.

I repeated,  inside my head where they could not get at me ;) 

Not for sale, not for sale. Rapture. * *

For the initial gambit was that I  had just died in the hours before in my condo apartment and was reborn a sexy angel ("rapture'), following over three hours of grueling, cool, cruel, medical-legal inquisition that could turn on the highest court. But if caught I would say I was alone in my bedroom, with my lover.*  Would I become a fallen angel.


But also as celebrities as myself often do when the heat is on to allow myself to escape from hollywood into a new identity. I teased an album and it blew up too fast,


they wanted to lay claim to me and I wanted it all for myself. So they practically killed me in the days leading up to May 14, but I held the power and if I were reborn I could l eave finally the old identity MK behind. Another story for another time?

And one fallback position that stood for a time for me over the past two weeks was that I could be arrested on "suspicion for" prostitution in order to catch a panderer.

And thus I was reborn. But without any claim to me (not even from a betrothal as I  earned wings 

I  had truly experienced narcisstic soul death in the days leading up to knowing I had made it finally as a celebrity.

*mOre on this later

They might call it narcissistic splitting, but I know better.  I am pure narcissist.  In order to pivot from pure narcissist (sexy angel) to true celebrity one has to arc to sociopath.


would I become a fallen angel.


There is more to thiis my story....

last edit on 5/16/2020 1:56:25 AM
Posts: 1354
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Part III  The Trap House Condo Apartment 444

My gift was not crazy it was genius. But it was threatening to say so especially in a woman. You'll see.

They had caught me in the confines of my condo apartment at 8:30 Thursday night which I had scotched on air in the moments before and said condo was not my first and only home but one of three or more (turning on the my recent questions of domicile and residence in my new font of celebrity.)

I left you with the question of leaving my old identity MK behind.

Following a command evening performance in the 'devil's music hour' no less (6 pm) where read I had been "held captive" in my condo apartment for a showing on Unplugged, (before that on reality TV) I left them a minute to the 7th hour. I do not like to lie but I always take a minute for myself. Channel Jack Nicholson fingers to the mouth and then one for myself, keep a secret of my saved self in my back pocket. I am after all pure, a sexy angel narcissist.

I did not "call out" to my celebrity friends in my performance but sometimes I can hear their music as it dovetails with my story.

The Destroy trap house

I would not destroy myself in the name of Art. But I am never not never not a performer so I could not quit at 7:00 and explained the ambuiguity in my earlier performance then connecting the dots too much but for yet a smaller audience of insiders.

I was Ava and I did not want to bite the apple. I could not even plug in my iPhone

in the Trap House set-up. The swedish 40s ear like sofas were to big; I was too small.  The outlets were in the wrong places almost purposely. I took it like Alice in Wonderland and played with propprtions but they caught me like Baby, my other identity, and I would be tethered to an outlet for hours. What a liability Apple.

I did not want to keep this as my domicile residence (those terms are murky anyway) so I would flee.

for fear they would squeeze every ounce of creativity out of me through electronic means. So I was their captor for a few hours 

in my private life

which I became aware had become public but all was to be revealed to me later in the evening as I  died and was reborn.

Perhaps this is the price of celebrity.


Part IV Poker Plays In the Name of Contact Tracing and Testing: Major to Minor Chord changes a prequel chapter


I am a narcissist so I am always on, a lways performing. But to get too close to me is to see raw which is why I have been stage shy and embarassed for so long but not as long as I can remember. 

Free of the medical-legal, medicolegalbuzz so I would think after the medical legal inquisition in my home only moments later, where I thought

my medical legal and education records could finally be scotched.*

The game in hollywood is one of Poker that they will try to trade your raw and I see you one by insulting you. But that's too easy. Anything can be scotched even your visage if they film you in your home. However they want to see how far you are willing to go. 

They started me off easy, not too easy, but the chessboard kept getting harder.

It was revealed to me in covid 19 that * there were no look backs, there was also no turning back now that I had come this far.

I  had not truly made it but the seduction was so close.

I am dancing around the point now. Let me have a moment.  To edit is not to change the past but to look back (could be a legal term) is to get stuck.  And now that I was freed, but never truly because I am pure narcissist but I will not give out my number my wavelength as a question of my security.

As I gave the unofficial interview on MTV perhaps, but it was not revealed to me I heard 6 shots fired on the window of my crib (condo apartment co-op trap house)

and after I bled for them as I had done for so long I told them I would need increased security.

Because money=fear. Fear and money are intricately linked. But to explain would be at great risk to me.

Celebrities often are reborn when the heat gets to be too much as I explained. This is not conspiracy nor is it truly celebrity.* Next chapter

Their gambit was to make me think I did not know the truth and to make me think I was crazy via a series of intricate medical legal frauds.

This will not be my admission. The problem is that you signal what you want just as much as what you do not want. To say do not make this my admission would be to signal to those with the power to reach your pain points: make this my admission.

The trial would hinge on several items which I will reveal to you soon. If caught I would say I were a genius, my bitch.


Bitch and Ho

I could not reveal who was in my inner circle because it would be at great risk to them. I could not call out. I could not reveal the gambit of the prostitution ring that inherent in many games in life that when pure prostitution called for a panderer (a pimp) sort of different in the world of music, entertainment and hollywood, sometimes if pure prostitution a pimp who said they would marry their bitch. But to get anywhere in this world it would seem you needed a man. But to choose would be to tap out early. I'm not a feminist, but you'll see.


My performace person

ality was not far from truth but I mixed the music a bit. I said and say  I intoned with spirits and oracles (that has always been the case in this fraud they sold me and the world of  traps in medicine which dulled my mind and spirit for so long. More on that later.

But really to call out genius would seem to be a bit of foreshadowing.

I would recently learn to temper it by channeling my genius into bible passages.

When the heat became too strong I would lean into the grind. (skate reference p erhaps)

And on that day May 14, in my off the cuff performance in my living room den of the trap house I called out Matthew. I will reveal the passage later. Bible is a gateway drug I learned from the gateway that I both enjoy the English Version and n interpretation. Others in hollywood must use this as a tool else not be able to break the chains of command.

Essentially if asked to cut to the point I wanted to say with Matthew number [   ] that I Ava have not eaten the apple.

I must be careful here or they will c ut my internet again,

last edit on 5/16/2020 3:30:44 AM
Posts: 1354
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Part IV  The fear of genius would be remedied by calling out my lovers friends and others whose music dovetails with mine but I cannot


If I called out to others who gave me clues to my story similar could happen to me, it got to “heated” for them If I saw into their true self or revealed their true nature

Which I do have a gift to see INTO someone’s true nature for the eyes are windows to the soul

Forgive my platitude for a moment.

If I called out to others they would essentially denounce me

And the gambits to choose from here were apology, or medical, or legal, assault. (Medical or legal assault)

I had seen what had happened to others as it had happened to myself.

Someone that evening had nearly told me my whole story in that they would be and forgive me I am not familiar with the bible, bible stories. It occurs to me to say they would be my ward. For the first mu wavelength might be med as in medicine. Im getting to close to mu wavelength here. But I am called in many forms. One such is accessible via whey protein.

So he my lover the angel who would loved me all along, who had

last edit on 5/16/2020 3:15:47 AM
Posts: 1354
0 votes RE: My alibi sleepwalk for ...

Who had bought my freedom

I owed him nothing now because he did not make good, because what is a promise anyway. Last night he told me I was kidnapped as a baby. AInterestingly as covid takes a turn towards children. To put this together would be a new edit howeber and that’s not what I intended to do  here.

I will tell It now as it happened o n the night of May 14, 2020. Which I believed to be true.

Not immediately but I will.

If I do not tell my story it seems someone will try. So I will tell you right now, it's not Matthew and it's not Apple. 

last edit on 5/16/2020 3:13:22 AM
Posts: 1354
0 votes RE: My alibi sleepwalk for ...

I like to connect the dots too much. My You, let's call him my boyfriend for sake of argument  has called me pendantic.

Should I continue on in this vein?

I may choose to  discuss how I stated no more unofficial entertainment shows or release of my writing and Art until I say. No official photography from the trap house. 

 So you can see if all is revealed I may need a new identity......



last edit on 5/16/2020 3:52:00 AM
Posts: 9306
0 votes RE: My alibi sleepwalk for ...

Med why is the text so big 


also this needs to be the title of your book 

last edit on 5/16/2020 3:31:52 AM
Posts: 32846
1 votes RE: My alibi sleepwalk for ...

Keep spinning the word preacher, I dig it. 

Ę̵̚x̸͎̾i̴͚̽s̵̻͐t̷͐ͅe̷̯͠n̴̤̚t̵̻̅i̵͉̿a̴̮͊l̵͍̂ ̴̹̕D̵̤̀e̸͓͂t̵̢͂e̴͕̓c̸̗̄t̴̗̿ï̶̪v̷̲̍é̵͔
Posts: 9306
0 votes RE: My alibi sleepwalk for ...

Yes keep writing it’s really interesting u will probably write a book one day

Posts: 1354
0 votes RE: My alibi sleepwalk for ...

Album teaser.

I am not a criminal nor criminally insane, but I do have the get out of jail free and get out of hospital free card now. Clues to my identity.


Alluding to bible and Faust: I had not given passage to others they had taken from me but I had opened up freedom for one man in the biz and now a shapeshifter in the future his identity was also concealed to me


But in this night where we alluded to  sort of a rapture it occurred to me to say psychedelic rapture we really only talked about me mostly but the story we sold was or he sold was that we orgasmed simultaneously (scotch that) I actually realized my angelic nature first

He told me if I knew too much about him I would not love him but he tried to assure me he loved me

The story he sold me officially and unofficially was that I was a stolen baby I will not give out the wavelength under duress it is too close to home  now. GBV.Feet are burning. I have not told you they may have accessed one of the neurological wavelengths.

Unofficially we were not allowed to talk I gave a trial a medical legal testimony to save myself he promised he would be there with me that he had seen girls cry before that I was p retty when I cried I do not wish to call out to him. But he told me he had followed me from baby that the family wanted to buy me back essentially. Debutante is more like I have paid enough psychiatrists to fill his stadiums.

But I already died what does I t matter if I call him out now.

They could make it look l ike he was there as I told you in my private bedroom

We could not have sex for reason of intimacy and also if it became too heated for him he would call me off and that he wanted me to build a body first Perhaps unofficially I told you this trial of the century was sold to me as I could be held captive for suggestion of criminal insanity so already knowing how to get out of jails and hospitals new learned information (yet they could unlearn me no longer) I was stuck in my bedroom, he said he would be there with me. Was he in a room adjoining? As I disproved my criminal insanity in order that I may I call it scotch my records.

Is it better though to have excellent, superlative records, for I told you I were a genius. or to have none at all. Do I connect a dot here? Metoo has been done already it would seem.

I  told them in at least one of my trials, (contact tracing and testing) that my genius was undisputable. That could be how I would get out of criminal insanity. For that I would need to call witnesses and I did not want to give anyone rights to my story. So too on that note if I had no record anyone could make up anything as they please.

And that’s what I alluded to before #sharptongue here. You may not believe me if I told you I were royalty.  The music says ab#. If I had to get to the point in three points I would say: I did not have sex the night of May 14, 2020, I believed the gambit to be I was dying to get a new identity and my story was revealed to me in exchange for the exclusive rights to my stardom, and that I am not criminal insane, but some people have no shame.12:34 am on or about May 16, 2020 Was it worth three hours of crying just to scotch my voice? I had originally planned avter this “trial’ of yesterday to use some vocal stimulants rather than chase some vapors out the door for some fame. 12:57 am May 16, 2020.X





last edit on 5/16/2020 4:58:11 AM
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