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0 votes RE: Regarding my homophobia

For some reason I doubt Cawk was being serious about those bible quotes and y'all are treating this thread as if he was.


But then again, he could also be a catholic priest.

A shadow not so dark.
Posts: 819
0 votes RE: Regarding my homophobia

Cawk is gay

Posts: 1511
0 votes RE: Regarding my homophobia
Sintetika said:
Imagine not thinking for yourself. 

How does one "think for themselves"? 

 I suppose that one can never truly entirely think for themselves, as how someone is raised can influence them, but in something such as politics, or religious views, one could question all sides, explore new ideas and see what makes sense to them. Perhaps, it was wrong of me to phrase it like that in hindsight. 

Though, even then I don't see thinking for one self could ever be completed, as there's always new ideas, different paths and combinations. 

So, in that regard, I was rather quick to pass judgement. Though, I already have my bias against Cawk because of the kind of person they are, and I won't forgive said bias because I view them as nothing more than a waste of flesh and a plague to society.  Especially, given their sexuality. 

I'll retract my statement of "Imagine not thinking for yourself" rather I encourage others to strive to question and explore. 

 Are you really trying to normalize homosexuality and demonize me for not being gay? LMFAO

Being a faggot in 2k19 is not cool, it's degeneracy. You SC wheelchair sitting crippled anti pedo SJWs, autists and schizophrenics need to get this through your heads.

There's a life outside of SC and let me tell you: Most people don't like homos, they're a despised minority. Whether at school, work, even prison or elsewhere. The most likely outcome of coming out as gay is rejection.

Fucking homos are as much despicable to me as you hate pedophiles.

I'm not being how I am because I listen to somebody, I genuinely think homosexuals are sub humans, along with niggers and others. But I'm not denying that my past influenced me to shape me as who I am today.

Posts: 833
1 votes RE: Regarding my homophobia

"Are you really trying to normalize homosexuality and demonize me for not being gay? LMFAO"

Don't put words in my mouth or make false assumptions, I never mentioned homosexuality nor do I give a fuck if you're gay or straight or bi. 

"Being a faggot in 2k19 is not cool, it's degeneracy. You SC wheelchair sitting crippled anti pedo SJWs, autists and schizophrenics need to get this through your heads."

I don't understand the point in being gay to look cool. Quite frankly, I consider the LGBT community to be cancerous, and even worse when your subhuman kind injects itself into it claiming that your sexual attractions are a sexual orientation too, and that you're not a pedophile but rather a MAP. 

Personally, I'm bisexual, but I don't give a shit about expressing my sexual identity, I don't see why someone's sexual identity should even be made a parade for, why is it important?

I don't care if a man and a man decide to fuck, because they can actually consent to one another. The difference is, your kind seeks to prey on those who are underdeveloped both mentally and physically, call it love all you want, but it's just a means to control and manipulate for your own perverted desires. 

The only danger a man could bring to a society for the sole reason of being homosexual is that, said society believes in some stupid shit fabled book that tells them that gay people are evil. 

A pedophile can ruin a child's life, and is an actual threat to society. 

Posts: 807
0 votes RE: Regarding my homophobia
Cawk said: 
Sintetika said:
Imagine not thinking for yourself. 

How does one "think for themselves"? 

 I suppose that one can never truly entirely think for themselves, as how someone is raised can influence them, but in something such as politics, or religious views, one could question all sides, explore new ideas and see what makes sense to them. Perhaps, it was wrong of me to phrase it like that in hindsight. 

Though, even then I don't see thinking for one self could ever be completed, as there's always new ideas, different paths and combinations. 

So, in that regard, I was rather quick to pass judgement. Though, I already have my bias against Cawk because of the kind of person they are, and I won't forgive said bias because I view them as nothing more than a waste of flesh and a plague to society.  Especially, given their sexuality. 

I'll retract my statement of "Imagine not thinking for yourself" rather I encourage others to strive to question and explore. 

Are you really trying to normalize homosexuality and demonize me for not being gay? LMFAO

Being a faggot in 2k19 is not cool, it's degeneracy. You SC wheelchair sitting crippled anti pedo SJWs, autists and schizophrenics need to get this through your heads.

There's a life outside of SC and let me tell you: Most people don't like homos, they're a despised minority. Whether at school, work, even prison or elsewhere. The most likely outcome of coming out as gay is rejection.

Fucking homos are as much despicable to me as you hate pedophiles.

I'm not being how I am because I listen to somebody, I genuinely think homosexuals are sub humans, along with niggers and others. But I'm not denying that my past influenced me to shape me as who I am today.

 okay. you hate homosexuals, niggers, and others, apparently like me, schizophrenics. schizophrenics, like psychopaths, commit terrible crimes. but do you have the right to hate me? what have I done wrong? and what can you do with us? you can't even stop pedophilia. if you want to get rid of all this, you're gonna have to blow up the planet. and let's say you're homophobic, but I'm annoyed by devout Christians. imagine that I became a Satanist and slaughtered your whole family like pigs. I'm a schizophrenic, it won't make any difference to me to look at your severed head or the cabbage. I have the power to commit such a crime, but what difference does it make? imagine you shot a homosexual in the head. So what? what changed that? the world is a better place? useless hatred. LOL! you declare war on all homosexuals, niggers and schizophrenics! this will be your very brave and sincere act, but perhaps the most important and last mistake of your life.
P.S: I'm not demonizing you for not being gay.

Posts: 1511
0 votes RE: Regarding my homophobia

Homos are fucked between the ears in their own way. Objectively seen, a straight pedophile is more mentally sane than a homosexual of any kind, because the pedophile is attracted to the opposite gender, where the homo is not.

Posts: 807
0 votes RE: Regarding my homophobia
Cawk said: 

Homos are fucked between the ears in their own way. Objectively seen, a straight pedophile is more mentally sane than a homosexual of any kind, because the pedophile is attracted to the opposite gender, where the homo is not.

 by the way, we can find pedophiles. it is necessary to organize a mandatory brain scan upon reaching puberty. you need to show photos of naked children or children in bathing suits and monitor the activity of the brain area responsible for sexual arousal. but while such a global survey is probably too expensive. in addition, it turns out there are pedophiles worthy of our respect. they have never attempted a sexual crime against children, but they have voluntarily admitted to their deviations and I have heard that in England they undergo a chemical castration procedure. and you are a hypocritical bitch. you were quoting from the Bible or some other bullshit about sodomy being punishable by death, but you're somehow justifying straight pedophiles. I can't understand why homosexuals make you feel more contempt. in fact, homosexuality is the norm. because it has existed even since biblical times. if every day comes night - this is the norm, if every day gay fuck - this is also the norm. I can't understand why you despise gays. what are they doing to you? how do they infringe on your rights? it feels like you work as a maid at a Motel, which is constantly visited by gays and you have to clean up after them used condos and wash the sheets stained with sperm. =) I Russian, in our country banned gay-parades and gay propaganda, but I not understand, why I should to hate their. the funny thing is that heterosexuals are actually even bigger beasts than gays. how many wars have heterosexuals started and how many millions of people, including women and children, have they killed? we will never live in the magical world of John Lennon. we can only imagine that all people live in peace. I think the problem is that humans are the smartest monkeys on this planet. homosexuality have with our relatives the baboons. leaders are often raped young dissenters baboons. the guano apes have pedophilia. we are animals.

Posts: 1511
0 votes RE: Regarding my homophobia
Dima79 said: 
Cawk said: 

Homos are fucked between the ears in their own way. Objectively seen, a straight pedophile is more mentally sane than a homosexual of any kind, because the pedophile is attracted to the opposite gender, where the homo is not.

 by the way, we can find pedophiles. it is necessary to organize a mandatory brain scan upon reaching puberty. you need to show photos of naked children or children in bathing suits and monitor the activity of the brain area responsible for sexual arousal. but while such a global survey is probably too expensive.

I could cheat this test if I wanted to.

They don't do the survey but not because of its expensiveness.

in addition, it turns out there are pedophiles worthy of our respect. they have never attempted a sexual crime against children, but they have voluntarily admitted to their deviations and I have heard that in England they undergo a chemical castration procedure.

I assure you: A lot of great people, inventors, business owners, etc. are pedophiles.

Pedophilia is not a crime, child molestation is.

There are various kinds of pedophiles, not all of them are exclusively attracted to kids.

and you are a hypocritical bitch. you were quoting from the Bible or some other bullshit about sodomy being punishable by death, but you're somehow justifying straight pedophiles.

The Bible says nothing about pedophilia, which means it isn't wrong according to it, because other things such as homosexuality are mentioned, and discouraged.

I can't understand why homosexuals make you feel more contempt. in fact, homosexuality is the norm. because it has existed even since biblical times. if every day comes night - this is the norm, if every day gay fuck - this is also the norm. I can't understand why you despise gays. what are they doing to you? how do they infringe on your rights? it feels like you work as a maid at a Motel, which is constantly visited by gays and you have to clean up after them used condos and wash the sheets stained with sperm. =) I Russian, in our country banned gay-parades and gay propaganda, but I not understand, why I should to hate their. the funny thing is that heterosexuals are actually even bigger beasts than gays. how many wars have heterosexuals started and how many millions of people, including women and children, have they killed? we will never live in the magical world of John Lennon. we can only imagine that all people live in peace. I think the problem is that humans are the smartest monkeys on this planet. homosexuality have with our relatives the baboons. leaders are often raped young dissenters baboons. the guano apes have pedophilia. we are animals.

 I just don't like homosexuals, man. It's just how it is. I dislike blacks more than homos. You're acting like I'm the only one on planet who doesn't like them. Being gay is something cool and accepted on this site, but not out there.

If you out yourself as gay at work for example, a lot of people will turn their back on you. As a guy, you should feel grossed out that there's some dude you see regularly who wants you to suck his dick, fuck you in the ass and vice versa.

A homosexual is a dysfunctional person. It is fucking weird to fuck the same gender as you are.

last edit on 6/8/2019 2:05:33 PM
Posts: 1937
1 votes RE: Regarding my homophobia

You think about gay sex and homosexuals more than the homosexuals do, focus on the money, don't get sidetracked

2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 33613
0 votes RE: Regarding my homophobia

How do you feel about bisexuals? 

Cawk said:
Homos are fucked between the ears in their own way. Objectively seen, a straight pedophile is more mentally sane than a homosexual of any kind, because the pedophile is attracted to the opposite gender, where the homo is not.

Actually, a lot of pedophiles that identify as "straight" still target the same gender as themselves. 

A lot try to justify it as "about power" or about being "youthful", saying that gender has nothing to do with it (despite how they tend to target one gender more than the other). 

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last edit on 6/8/2019 3:33:43 PM
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