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Luna, or whoever it is

Posts: 2893

There has been no DDoS for over 48 hours, a new record in the last ~20 days. Until then, there was at least 1 attack spike.

There were days with over 1 million requests per hour, every hour.

First the attacks were small, with the time they increased in size. Then there was a small rest and a super attack.
Then for a few days there were only random spikes. Then the method of attacks changed: more ips/less ips/more req/less req. Trying to find the golden amount, but ultimately: resistance is futile.


You wanted to be on the hacker side, well I was there 10 years ago.
The state always wins(unless its ran by a clown):


Too easy. Another opponent, another disappointment.

So come on Luna:

Or is this all?


Lyrics EN said:
Remember this: my hip hop is better then your hip hop! x4 (chorus)
With your evil look, you are a big bad villain:
stop being a clown, say hello.
His Mercedes is broken, his face is bitter, tell me
is he not an absolute cunt?
Your songs are for pensioners bro,
don't walk like the king of the neighborhood.
Cheery bye!
Posts: 507
0 votes RE: Luna, or whoever it is

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your site goes down easy


im just bored of this place


don't worry i'll still ddos occasionally when i am in the mood

Posts: 2893
1 votes RE: Luna, or whoever it is

Posted Image


your site goes down easy


im just bored of this place


don't worry i'll still ddos occasionally when i am in the mood

Site goes down, when I decide it goes down, its out of your control.

You are being cute.

I needed someone to DDoS the site for me, for a test, thanks. Do it a little longer next time, its more valuable then

Cheery bye!
last edit on 6/5/2019 8:05:02 PM
Posts: 2893
2 votes RE: Luna, or whoever it is

Also getting the site down for 1 minute, is not an achievement. Its desperation.

Cheery bye!
Posts: 2893
0 votes RE: Luna, or whoever it is

Time for the site to be back up, your help is appreciated.

Cheery bye!
Posts: 5403
1 votes RE: Luna, or whoever it is

You effectively provoked her by tapping into that frail ego, lol. She's tired and she doesn't want to keep going. She's going to give up eventually. 


Dope as fuck background btw

Posts: 507
0 votes RE: Luna, or whoever it is

think what you want. all i see is you turning cloudflare on and off. taking months to learn how to use cloudflare is impressive... for a non-american :p

Posts: 2893
0 votes RE: Luna, or whoever it is

think what you want. all i see is you turning cloudflare on and off. taking months to learn how to use cloudflare is impressive... for a non-american :p

Took me bout an hour, the rest is fine tuning it. Which also took me a few hours. Making it automatic, also a few hours. The final step is in play, I could use your assistance again later, but don't worry, I will figure it out without you too. After this, to quote a song: 

"While your computer's crashin', mine's multitaskin'
It does all my work without me even askin'"

Don't need to think anything, the proof is literary raining in this topic. 


So how long and what measures did you take to stop DDoS on S-C? I remember banning a country off the top of my memory. Just asking: sharing knowledge, programmer to programmer.

Cheery bye!
last edit on 6/5/2019 8:43:33 PM
Posts: 507
0 votes RE: Luna, or whoever it is

this has been a learning experience for me too. 

when i get home ill send you the simple ddos firefox addon i created which youve been battling for so long. after looking at it you will see the flaw in your site youve been unaware of this whole time.

you thought you were battling some gov xomputer or paid botnet when in reality its just my personal laptop

but im tired of putting effort into this place. thats why ill give you my bot. to show you how simple its been to waste your time with a simple firefox addon

others are free to use the addon as well for w.e they want

Posts: 1110
0 votes RE: Luna, or whoever it is

Does that addon look something like this?

Posted Image

A shadow not so dark.
10 / 28 posts
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