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wrote some epic film score music ?

Posts: 9539


there was a lot more to this song, i can post the raw no-edit version of the entire recording session but- yeah i'd consider it a rough draft or a work in progress of, the final "publishable" version of the song. 


it could go three ways, minimal, intense piano, or symphonic 


and the fourth way would be like sci-fi experimental futurist digital sound editing pro-tools version 



i just sat down, hit record, and started playing with zero practice or thought into what i was going to do. this is just what comes out. 


then i fuck around with it in post, for fun. to see what i can do with it. experimenting. 


just having fun here. 


it sounded very epic and dramatic, very film score, to me so, i decided to pull from two really epic movies to use as scenery. to go with the vibe. 


(Lord of the Rings and Mad Max Fury Road)

last edit on 5/10/2020 10:15:05 PM
Posts: 819
0 votes RE: wrote some epic film sc...

Not hating, but sounded as random as to when someone is unfamiliar to a piano.

Posts: 9539
0 votes RE: wrote some epic film sc...

Not hating, but sounded as random as to when someone is unfamiliar to a piano.

 Still working on it 


This is the first chance I’ve had to write music and have time to myself to do so in months so I’m very rusty 


and i just sat down knowing i only had 20 minutes, hit record, and played for 20 minutes. This is what came out. 


It’s just all i had to work with before ppl came back inside and its too noisy to record. 


I can post the full 20 minutes vid, but theres a lot of interruptions and, I’m just still figuring out the basic bones of the song so 


it’s not really a song, it’s just a recording of me writing one. 


And i tried as best i could to work with what material i had to put something out cuz 


i haven’t in a while and i really wanted to lol 


but yeah, this song i ended up writing ended up being way more complicated than, something that is “finishable” in one quick go on a recording its going to require practice for me to play it fluidly and then the fleshing out process in post will be a whole project of its own after that so 


it’s, a lot. It’s, a piece of it’s own lets put it that way. 


I’ll post the full recording so you see what i mean. 


I used to ‘hide’ my “film score music” and only put out like “band” music that you’d perform live, for like a gig or put out as like part of an album? Like “marketable” “songs” “producible” material idk but 


honestly i think my natural inclination is in film scores and classical genre 


i just try my hand at like playing guitar and, fucking around with experimental sounds in post but 


The classical side is where the “natural ability” shows through the most (to write music) and i shouldn’t take that for granted. I’ve learned now after having gone through a bad dry spell with the inability to write, not to take it for granted and when the music wants to come out that way, to try not to shape it or mold it into something it’s not but just let it be what it naturally is inclined to be or come out as. 


Hard to explain but, when i go purely with the flow and give up all inhibition, it’s when the songs turn out best


which is why everyone writes better music drunk or high the music literally wants to write itself youre jiust the vessel man I’m telling ya

last edit on 5/10/2020 10:46:53 PM
Posts: 9539
0 votes RE: wrote some epic film sc...


I was really struggling because the piano is severely, severely out of tune- so where i *think* the note is going to be, isn’t there, it’s somewhere else, or, not there entirely correctly like it’s flat or sharp 


so i get confused by this it fucks up the pattern creating in my brain so I’m not able to like play fluidly for that reason is why i sound quite frustrated 


also there are severeal broken and missing keys aka entire notes that aren’t there (that i needed to be there) to build the song off of so like, thats why it’s so... choppy. Lol 


that and I’m writing as I’m playing. Like figuring out the song and how it should all go 


i record everything now, even the bad playing that goes into the creation of a finalized publishable song 

last edit on 5/10/2020 11:01:37 PM
Posts: 9539
0 votes RE: wrote some epic film sc...

I wish i had an entire music studio in my house That would be fun 

Posts: 523
0 votes RE: wrote some epic film sc...

I like it

The blood on my hands covered the holes
Posts: 523
0 votes RE: wrote some epic film sc...
Blanc said: 


 4:42-5:01 and 5:30-6:30 I liked, the piano is out of tune but i could hear what you were going for

The blood on my hands covered the holes
Posts: 9539
0 votes RE: wrote some epic film sc...

Aw :’) thanks peachy 


(friendship hug) 

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