so heres the story- we got depressed 18-dead year olds who wouldnt have a chance in the world paying these average looking girls actual money for....... nothing. seriously. and these women arent einstein. they arent kim kardashian. they arent emma watson. they are nobodies, with low iq and average looks.... getting propagated and totally worshipped with cash and praise so they can play video games in a cat suit and giggle occasionally. as if these talentless girls werent already narcissistic enough, right? now they feel that they have a basis for feeling like theyre oh so special when theyre just....... not. so the simps are really just as bad for enabling this. and in 2020 the problem is worse than ever before with covid locking simps and hoes alike indoors so they can play pretend in their digital fantasy land, and platforms like onlyfans and tik tok on the rise, and all the twitch hoes. shit's fucked up. these simps need to wise up and quit propping up these talentless thots.
in the 80s rockstars made money for nothing and chicks for free.
in the 2020s the thotstars make money for nothing and dicks for free
nuff said