I did not log in in two days because turncoat, jim, tryp and everyone else shat on me too hard and broke my fragile porky thin skin. Life sucks for an oink.
I am ugly and insignificant. I can't stand when i ask girls for nudes and tit pics and they reject me and leave the very small unheard of or cared about by mainstream society bottom of the barrel cult I am a part of that she used to shit on for fun, because she is now instead using her free time to make a decent side income(more and more as time goes on!:) ) being an exhibitionist attention whore and masturbating with super hot porn stars. so I sperg sperg sperg away and squeal like the obese bald piggy I am instead of admitting I was abandoned and left facing how ugly incel and insignificant I am by yet another girl. oink oink oink my name is Jim and I am Porky. This is my story
Fuck. Why did I react and sperg and make threads and long posts again? I am so weak and sensitive. Wish I could control my narc injury and BPD rage so people wouldnt smell the blood in the water and keep targeting me for being a thin skinned porky.
Turquie doesn't buckle from my words, thankfully.
Thank you turncoat. Your emotional support is very needed in these trying times where I am rejected and clowned by everyone in the site that I am desperate for the approval and attention of. I am so mad and hurt that they wont accept me and give me positive validation and clown me instead. Can you please ban Jim so I wont have to log in every hour to lash out at him and defend myself. My BPD self hate and insecurity is getting too bad, I am eating fries to settle now.
All I wanted was to be popular and liked but I get shat on and I dont even have a bf or porn orbiters anymore. Goddamn skinny women I hate your privilege. I will eat each one of u so men dont have any choice but to date me.