I'm not thanking them, they're helping transmit the virus. If everyone could just stay inside for two to three weeks, we'd have significantly less expression of the virus.
These grocery store clerks, fast food vendors, fire fighters, mailmen, Amazon sorters, and hospital help should strike.
I adjusted it from striking, that never does anything anymore unless it's related to the trash collector's unions, but they should take some personal responsibility and stay home, especially the hospital workers, even if it costs them their jobs.
Either that or they shouldn't be allowed to leave the hospitals for the next few weeks. They're basically taking all their hospital germs home with them, rendering them an open vector towards their family and, thusly, everyone else they interact with. If any of those fuckers go to the grocery store... think about it.
The people who aren't helped will die of the virus, but it would essentially go away if people stopped caring so much for their fellow man. Let the dice roll, the chips land where they may, instead of humanity's chronic need to oppose mother nature's will, and she'll eventually stop punishing us for our transgressions against the planet.