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Who from SC has hurt you?

Posts: 6443

there is only 1 person who has significantly hurt my feelings from sc and I'm not saying who. but the only hint I will give is that he is male lol(surprising I know)

But if any of you feel like venting and calling out people for hurting you, getting closure and such feel free to talk about it here:)

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Who from SC has hurt you?

Alright it was Tryptamine fuck you tryptamine and I dont want closure and I am even happy you arent dead u bully

Posts: 6443
0 votes RE: Who from SC has hurt you?

anyone else's turn now go lol

Posts: 1937
0 votes RE: Who from SC has hurt you?

Angee. She left 

2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 1110
0 votes RE: Who from SC has hurt you?

Nobody hurt me yet. I'm badass.

A shadow not so dark.
Posts: 894
0 votes RE: Who from SC has hurt you?

i hurt myself all the time

Posts: 2277
0 votes RE: Who from SC has hurt you?

Waltz. He is a shitstain sadist.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 525
0 votes RE: Who from SC has hurt you?
Billy said: 

i hurt myself all the time

 stop it

Posts: 9354
0 votes RE: Who from SC has hurt you?

No one because I don’t give a shit 

too busy having depression 

Posts: 9354
0 votes RE: Who from SC has hurt you?

I’m really over people and all their feelings 

if I’m being flat out honest 

I know that makes me sound like a complete sociopath 

but I just don’t care anymore 

people are so sensitive, I wish they weren’t 

they are fickle and irrational and fragile 

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