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Good, are you high functioning autistic?

Posts: 2278

This thread is a serious question and not any kind of insult, given that I am HFA myself and so is delora. And if so, does it annoy you that people including your friend Sturm consistently use it as an insult to people?

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 2892
1 votes RE: Good, are you high func...

This thread is a serious question and not any kind of insult, given that I am HFA myself and so is delora. And if so, does it annoy you that people including your friend Sturm consistently use it as an insult to people?


I used to wonder if i was autistic many years ago. But after investigating, learning and so on, I think I am not.
I classified myself as a schizoid in the past, but I don't do that anymore either. Now I just have a cluster A personality.

I've heard and read that schizoids can have autistic thinking, which is not autism, but something that looks like it. I do not know much about it, because I heard it at the end of my research and I didn't care anymore.

But I can grasp social context, jokes and sarcasm now, I do not perceive everything so literary anymore. And I've never been very sensitive or very orderly (I am not sure, but i believe those two were associated with autism too).

I still have my moments lol, but i think thats normal.


Autism causes you to be unable to understand many of these things(social communication related things), while I just had to teach them to myself.


Why do you think I have high functioning autism?

Cheery bye!
last edit on 6/2/2019 8:40:17 AM
Posts: 2278
0 votes RE: Good, are you high func...
Good said: 

This thread is a serious question and not any kind of insult, given that I am HFA myself and so is delora. And if so, does it annoy you that people including your friend Sturm consistently use it as an insult to people?


I used to wonder if i was autistic many years ago. But after investigating, learning and so on, I think I am not.
I classified myself as a schizoid in the past, but I don't do that anymore either. Now I just have a cluster A personality.

I've heard and read that schizoids can have autistic thinking, which is not autism, but something that looks like it. I do not know much about it, because I heard it at the end of my research and I didn't care anymore.

But I can grasp social context, jokes and sarcasm now, I do not perceive everything so literary anymore. And I've never been very sensitive or very orderly (I am not sure, but i believe those two were associated with autism too).

I still have my moments lol, but i think thats normal.


Autism causes you to be unable to understand many of these things(social communication related things), while I just had to teach them to myself.


Why do you think I have high functioning autism?

 Well, somebody said you did. But, I like hearing from the source.

My grandiose delusions are better than yours.
Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Good, are you high func...

no he is low functioning penis 

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