As such, what someone else assumes to be melodrama or codependency can actually be extreme overwhelm from all their senses on hyperdrive, and needing to depend on their partners/friends to take care of them when they’re paralyzed from over-exposure.
This does NOT mean that empaths are weak. Not in the least.
In fact, many empaths also exhibit what are traditionally seen as Alpha traits, albeit in different scenarios than may normally be associated with Alpha types.
Man that cope, this shit isn't Alpha at all.
Case in point: Myself.
Hahaha, this is apparently alpha as fuck according to the article you posted.
I mean I can relate to the idea of being empathic enough that people feeling things near me like, I dunno, hurts or something.
Calling that strength however is fucking weird. I get calling it understanding, but said understanding capacity takes away from the ability to take life in stride, a requirement of Alpha behavior.
Many, if not most empaths you’ll meet are also hypersensitive to things like light, sound, and scents, among other things.Apparently hangovers make me more empathetic
Actually... yes, they arguably kinda do. What makes empathy types seem to know more about human emotion is merely from having experienced it more loudly on the regular.
Consider a true Apath for a second, and you see numbness incarnated instead.