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How to make your cat love you

Posts: 37

Hello :D

please don't kick me for this it's my first post! It's going to be super long!


I guess ASPD forum is closed? They can't have nice things because they always break them and bad energy stays forever on nice things. Did you ever buy a woman a diamond ring and smash it later and then get it fixed? That's what I'm talking about.


This is a handy guide to anyone suffering from narcissistic PD or really people with malignant narcissism. It's not really a joke or meant for laughs more like an informative guide to knowing yourself and making friends.


Anyway are you interested? Of course! Everyone loves kitties :D AND FRIENDS


First off yes I am isolated and really losing my mind but my headache has gone for now so I want to get this out there to the people who need it most. A kitty can help with isolation, but if you suffer from malignant narcissism you have very little hope of making friends with cats. :( It's SAD.


We all know how the story goes. You fill in the blanks ;) Lonely narcissist with abandonment issues and no friends is isolated and contemplating suicide. Tired of masturbating to webcam videos he's made of hookers who come to visit for money, sooner or later he seeks a fresh kind of pussy. A kitty, that is. Oh! What fun!!


So you get your kitty, bring him home quickly, lock the door, etc... and he loooooves you, but slowly over the first few hours you get a bit annoyed with your kitty crying for food and not leaving you alone, and you also get annoyed with your kitty's progressively escalating fear response (to you, specifically). You pet it so nicely. You put it next to you on the couch and it jumps away, but lets you pick it up again. You put it in your lap, it tenses up and you hold it down, and it runs away again, this time really springing from your lap. But, your sweet new BEST FRIEND is going to let you come pick him up again. So you scratch his chin and give him some treats and he loooooves you, and you pick him up and you guys snuggle.


You feel inside, that it's too late. Your new special relationship is already soured (again). You wanted a BEST friend but the cat is afraid of you. You know, from reading and listening to others, that you must be patient with the kitty and work on trust. It's upsetting that all the work can be undone with just a look. You feel if you even look at the cat the wrong way he will run away from you, so you grovel to him, you serve this cat, you SERVE this cat, ........ and it fears you. You are sad, rejected, alone, isolated, and want to die. You went out of your home and out of your way to go get this kitty to save him and fix his life and yours.


Soon, your new friend is slinking, creeping, watching you and avoiding you. You can no longer approach him, as he will slink away. Nevermind, you tell yourself, but the headache worsens. That's the malignancy, the REJECTION of this small insignificant meaningless waste of life burns you like acid. HOW DARE this little stupid brainless "&*(%$#" of an animal reject your well-intentioned and frankly super-sweet advances?


Keep trying, keep trying.


Until it happens. One day, it happens, and you don't want it to, but you can't stop it. Whatever it is, it happens. The cat rejects you. He jumps off your lap, claws you, scratches your wrists and palms, hisses... pisses.... shits on the wall, what has happened? A second ago you had a six foot power cord whipping the animal mercilessly spitting at it as it cowered in a corner shitting itself and fighting back. FIGHTING BACK ?! How dare it.


It's been said a cat is a bad pet for a narcissist, or psychopath. (Obvious exclusion notwithstanding), insofar as a cat is said to have a "strong will". I call it narcissism really. The real heart of the issue is that dang cat is MORE narcissistic than YOU. Its will is stronger. This, can not be allowed. As long as the cat possesses this type of spirit you will never gain the ascendancy you need to be happy together. You, of course, know deep down that you are capable of loving the cat, but you also know (and are GINGERLY CAREFUL) of the tender fact that it MUST reciprocate. You must dominate the cat.


After ten years of experimentation and observation I can tell you that a cat can be systematically dominated. It will submit, and it will come to love you. But, if you are a malignant narcissist, you do not have the inclination to come by this relationship naturally, because you do not see the reward as a close relationship developed over time and with mutual trust. That is exactly (literally the exact thing) what your life is void of. If you are a malignant narcissist, the reward will be in receiving love the way you want to receive it and of equal importance is that your love (the way you want to give it) is accepted.


To dominate a cat you must rationalize these things as logical principles.


- It is more narcissistic than you are; you must break its will

- Respect its intelligence because you are relying on the cat making a conscious choice

- Where there is mercy there is death


Wow! That third point is contentious. Really what I am trying to say is the art (science) of breaking a cat is very fine and although cats are terrific survivors they can be permanently injured or maimed if the incorrect amount of force or intensity is applied to a situation. If you screw up, you will probably have to kill the cat. This is a last resort of course as you probably spent money on it. You didn't go buy a cat to kill it, let's get that straight. Between you and me, I know that is not why you bought the cat. Not to harm it, abuse it, kill it. YOU bought it to LOVE it. I know. This is what others don't get. This is what makes you different.


The more practice you get breaking cats the less you will be forced to bury their dead bodies. Sooner or later, if you follow my methods, you will probably be able to stop killing cats altogether and live with them peacefully. Doesn't that sound beautiful?


Alright, the next thing to strategically implement is a respect for the animal's intelligence. Basically, you require the cat to make a conscious choice to be your friend and love you. To do this, you have to make sure the cat understands you are dominant in every way:


The cat must feel like you are capable of

...trapping it

....outsmarting it

.....anticipating its moves

........physically beating the piss out of it

...........handling it and especially restraining it

..............winning any confrontation / battle of will / physical fight

...................killing it in hot blood

and ..................killing it in cold blood


In that order. You must demonstrate your ability to perform all of these feats, in a convincing enough fashion that the cat understands it to be true. Once you accomplish the final feat, the cat's will is broken.


It is quite easy to develop your relationship in a more natural way after you have broken its will. :D :lol:


Always keep a cool head. The battle of narcissistic rage is no joke. You will overheat and get a fever if you do not periodically calm down. Do you find yourself without warning beating the cat with your fists with its head wrapped in a wet towel, as you curiously listen to the bones in its neck crack in a manner all too reminiscent of your own? Then breathe. Something has escalated this session from sweet petting and kisses into vicious strangulation.


De-escalate situations. Okay, so your rage has surged and you beat your cat. Whether you used a stick, a broom, your own teeth, or a powercord... you've reached this point where you're like Patrick Bateman chasing the hooker down a flight of stairs in the nude. Gain some composure. There is piss everywhere, scuffs and scratches, you're wounded, your cat has been kicked or hit the wall, he might be bleeding .... Open doors, close doors, put the crate somewhere close by, and get the situation under calm, cool, control.


Keep injuries invisible. This should go without saying but I should emphasize. Breaking a cat is not about "physically breaking" it, but psychologically breaking it. It is of vital importance that you do not actually snap its neck for example, only that you make the cat understand you are capable of doing so. As I said before, the goal is not to kill the animal. Also, there is the other little thing about being caught and reported to the authorities. The objective is to develop a long-term, loving relationship.


I'm sure you can follow the process here from Step A through to Step E. The final step is the hardest part, now, to communicate that you are actually cold-blooded. It is this ultimate realization that will chill the cat to its bones and force it to a submission you would have never achieved any other way. This is what took me such a long time to figure out. The cat expects you to act with rage, for that is why it fears you, and runs away, and hisses and swats. This is a reaction the cat is prepared to deal with, and killing a cat in a fit of rage is NOT considered a success story. The cat has to LIVE and what's more it must live WITHOUT being taken to the vet.


Alright, well

a lot of preamble! Holy cow! Will I even proofread this?


If it works. It works. Trust me, it works.

Posts: 37

After you have beat the cat senseless and find yourself frenzied with bloodlust, you can feel the fever, and the rage... you must be calm now. Deceive the cat by changing your energy to pure calm. By now, the cat should be confined to a room / dungeon. You will have likely moved or broken everything it can possibly use to hide and take defensive position. Put the kennel in there, and leave for a minute. The whole apartment probably looks like a crime scene, (it IS a crime scene) so clean up what you have to, and CALM DOWN.


After the cat is in the kennel, just put it in the bathtub. Start the water on a slow trickle and turn the light off and leave. It will likely be quite a long time before you hear from the kitty again, but he will cry for you sooner or later. It's best if your carrier crate has a top access cage as well so you can reach in there and comfort him. It is very, very unlikely you will be attacked at this time. Pet the cat, soothe him, and then close the lid and leave the room, with the light off, and the slow trickle. Wait ten minutes, and repeat. The tub will fill very slowly with COLD WATER and the cat's senses will be completely DEPRIVED of everything except the fear. He is wet, cold, alone in the dark, trapped in a cage, and forced to call for help, FROM YOU.


By time the tub is about two thirds full the cat might start screaming in a panic, so if you don't want to alert the neighbors you can try blasting Marilyn Manson or just turn the water up and flip the kennel over so eventually it's completely underwater except for a little air pocket. Or, if the cat is not crying too loudly, keep the cage top-side up so you can make eye contact. Anyway, you get the gist. Fill the tub, watch coldly as the cat copes with its situation. It will try many things to escape. Let it believe it is drowning. (be careful, it can aspirate a bit of water, but might drown up to 48h later by a process called secondary drowning).


Where you go from here really depends on the cat. If it's quiet and calm you must extend the psychological injury somewhat. Dump water on its face, swish it around... the more formidable the cat the closer you need to come to actually killing it. However, if it's weak, and it panics early, you can allow it to escape before it panics itself into drowning for real. Either way, once you open the cage just leave the light off and leave the room. Sooner or later the cat should escape the cage. It will allow you to pick it up and handle it at this point, it may be sputtering water or crying meekly. Put it outside if you can, in the cold and wind. This works best if you have the facility to confine the animal without alerting anyone for help or having any risk of escape. A minimal amount of shelter is useful such as a cardboard box but make sure there are no blankets. Let that pathetic soaking excuse for a personality sit and freeze for the next twelve hours. Don't provide any food.


The next day bring it in a give it a very tender, loving, warm, supportive nice bath. Towel it dry with two fresh towels, and sit and brush its fur. It probably won't be willing to eat for a few days but sooner or later it has to, because you don't want it acting pathetic forever. To speed up his recovery, take food and shove it right into his mouth and down his throat if you have to. It won't be long before he's eating again and a few days after that he'll be back to his old self. Just make sure to be really sweet and loving!! ;) ;)

Posts: 511
1 votes RE: How to make your cat love you

i just ignore my cat, then it won't leave me alone

kinda looks like this one

Posted Image

Posts: 26
0 votes RE: How to make your cat love you



I tried this with my new female kitty Zoey.  She was very sweet but soon started growling and the growling turned to hissing which turned to swatting.  It was exactly like you said 9thousand lol and after beating her I did the tub thing.


It seemed to work..  she is about 10 months old?  She panicked and escaped the cage and I brought her sopping wet to my balcony she sat in a cardboard box for the next IDK lol like 16 hours it was cold and windy.


Anyway after spending all night outside like that I gave her a beautiful bath just like you said but as I was drying her off she started growling again and it kept escalating like before so I wrapped her head in a towel and put it under the coffee table and sat on it but then she pissed everywhere and I ran out of towels they were all covered in cat piss.


Anyway she didn't run far probably because she's still fucked up from the water in her lungs but I got her back in the cage.


I must not have been very effective at communicating that I am willing and able to kill her in cold blood.  Like you said... this is to break the spirit fully.  It was not effective, I am here to report, the cat still has spirit!  It is formidable indeed.  As you said, the more formidable the cat, the greater the extent of psychological injury.


So I got my handy six foot power cord and wrapped it twice around her neck in the kennel and brought her to the tub and we made sweet love for a minute while I pulled on each end of the cord and held her up in midair.


For the next twenty minutes we played a waterboard / garrote / drown the kitty game where she nearly died again and again from all kinds of traumatizing "invisible injuries" including additional whippings and later strikes with a screwdriver.  Then we showered together as I had her noose affixed to the faucet, and since I was out of towels I dried off with a hand towel and squatted naked in the tub drying her off with the same dinky little hand towel.


All of this was accomplished in the utter absence of rage so I think the cat understands that this time it was ITS OWN FAULT.


Posted Image



little horn is born
last edit on 4/14/2020 3:24:40 PM
Posts: 26
0 votes RE: How to make your cat love you

oh lol I forgot to mention i fucking pissed on her face in the shower as she was tied to the faucet it was the first time i have done this and it felt sooooooo good like she was DEGRADED omg boner

little horn is born
Posts: 37
0 votes RE: How to make your cat love you

You sick fuck,


don't you understand that cat was a metaphor for yourself


you have to crush your own ego and gain ascendancy upon yourself in order to properly express self love


You're lucky I don't report you to the authorities I hope you aren't serious about harming any kitties.  I hope you didn't actually take that picture of a cat you own dude.

Posts: 1110
0 votes RE: How to make your cat love you

I love this thread.

A shadow not so dark.
Posts: 2
0 votes RE: How to make your cat love you

My mom and her husband torture cats. Her husband rapes them while my mom masturbates to their screams of pain.

Posts: 37
0 votes RE: How to make your cat love you

I love this thread.

 That feeling is super mutual kiss


My mom and her husband torture cats. Her husband rapes them while my mom masturbates to their screams of pain.


That's it I'm calling the cops why does everyone think this is about hurting cats it's about controlling the demon inside gahhh

Posts: 26
0 votes RE: How to make your cat love you

My mom and her husband torture cats. Her husband rapes them while my mom masturbates to their screams of pain.

 heeeeyyyy bb

I like masturbating to screams of pain ;) ;)



little horn is born
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