You're laughing at irony when you are the actual butt of the joke lol
meta af
Why not mirror back to you your own projections?
You can't be the one looking in the mirror when you say this.
Why not mirror back to you your own projections?
You can't be the one looking in the mirror when you say this.
I f I was truly pro-humanity and nice I would be more famous than she is
There's total divas who aren't pro-humanity who are more famous than you though.
I don't think being a humanitarian is the decisive factor.No, they are pro-humanity because they crave humans thinking positively of them
Sounds parasitic, as if they were using "Humanitarian" as a dietary practice.
Its impossible to be truly anti humanity while still craving positive attention and favors from everyone around you, and especially a positive reputation. That's the exact opposite of anti humanity
I disagree, you usually just need to find a second person to bitch about it with.
A lot of people marry well enough over that sort of synergy.
lol that is such a dumb arguement Turncoat, it depends completely on what your mindset is the majority of the time and if it is "I want as many people as possible to think positively of me" and caring about your popularity is the center of your desires you're not anti humanity in the slightest even if you occasionally bitch, it's not genuine if it contradicts your behaviors and desires 99 percent of the time
You do this thing where you cherry pick instead of looking at people as a whole, and that is why your assessment of people is often so inaccurate
generalizing is a good thing when trying to sum up peoples character traits. If a person acts a certain why 99% of the time and 1% of the time acts contradicting to that, you dont sum the person up based on that 1%
Well, you do, but it's innacurate and ridiculous sometimes amusing tho
anti humanity is not wanting to be human, not respecting yourself because you are a human and not respecting other humans, and not valuing other humans perceptions of you except for getting your basic food clothing health and shelter needs met unless you go as far as committing suicide, as I would define it anyway
being a parasite is part of being human, everyone is parasitic
Surely there's degrees.
babies are the most parasitic of all. that doesn't make them anti humanity hun
So you accept that someone could be a humanitarian parasite, like Tom Cruise?
anti humanity is not wanting to be human, not respecting yourself because you are a human and not respecting other humans, and not valuing other humans perceptions of you except for getting your basic food clothing health and shelter needs met unless you go as far as committing suicide, as I would define it anyway
I figured anti-humanity was more like what the villains on Captain Planet were about.