I think that people over 60 or people with health conditions should be the ones in quarantine, bot the whole population
Ok, so why not quarantine 60 or people with health condition.
First of all, those are measures taken in such a short time to contain a pandemic and lower the fast-growing rate. So, the amount of time and organization spent to certify that only certain types of person would be quarantined, would be ridiculous.
I don't want to get in details, but imagine going through all the certain types of conditions that would make one go to quarantine or not. On top of that, we have the ones that would just skip the quarantine at all, because he doesn't even know what condition he has until his lungs are being filled with pus and he is on a hospital bed.
We already know that age is not the main factor that can kill you. There are numbers of case of people seemingly healthy that died or in serious situation due to it.
On top of that, if still people did that division and let some stay in quarantine and some not, the virus would keep growing exponentially, and there would be unnecessary deaths.
On Top of all I've said, the Ministry of Health of each country decided that, because it's their duty to slow down the pandemic, so they can have time to develop an anti-viral or a vaccine. It doesn't mean they will find it on time, but that's a standard measure.
They are not ignoring your rights, they are watching out for everyone as a whole. Your freedom ends, when you can put other lives at risk.