I feel like I'm waking up from a 6 month bender drug induced coma...
wtf just happened. I dont think I've gone a single day without finishing at least 2 six packs. I dont even recognize myself anymore
What happened to my drive to learn as much as there is worth knowing
Wtf happened to my walks at midnight through dangerous areas waiting for someone to approach me even though itll never happen
Wtf happened to my unwillingness to accept any version of my future except the one I have written out
How did this happen
I cant talk to family about this shit because that's not fair to lay on them
So fuck you ima put it here cause I feel like putting it somewhere
I ain't gonna end up like you, working at Mickey D's wanting to put a bullet in my head. So if dumping my faults in some desolate forum helps then fuck ima do it
What happened to my drive to learn as much as there is worth knowing
Wtf happened to my walks at midnight through dangerous areas waiting for someone to approach me even though itll never happen
Wtf happened to my unwillingness to accept any version of my future except the one I have written out
How did this happen
you are such an embarrassing loser lmao. bruh if u are so desperate for excitement why don't u approach them? they probably think you're an escort