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Today I learned

Posts: 5403

I learned today that inflammation might be a critical factor in depression 

which goes to show how the mental and physical health of a person are not just linked but interdependent 

Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Today I learned

oh what did YOU learn today? tell me a fun factoid you big nerd

Posts: 525
0 votes RE: Today I learned

that the us is reporting that they suspect russia to have broken the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty and resumed low yield nuclear tests. but we're talking like laboratory shit not detonating weapons, and it's hardly news that russia would be breaking treaties and I'm sure the us is probably doing the same. I suspect it might just be some mild fear mongering in the lead up to 2020 elections. also, my money's on trump to win again

Posts: 2266
2 votes RE: Today I learned

The entire European Union is basically a Belgium ethno-state and a pseudo imperial construct.

Posts: 1110
0 votes RE: Today I learned

Today I learnt nothing, me am big dumb.


Edit: Nvm, actually I just learnt that both learned and learnt are correct, and the brits use learnt more, but still use learned as well.

A shadow not so dark.
last edit on 6/1/2019 9:13:38 PM
Posts: 330
0 votes RE: Today I learned

That talk might be fruitless and I should act instead

Posts: 248
0 votes RE: Today I learned

I learned that sometimes people don't have the words to explain their emotions from an experience. This doesn't mean though that they don't know what is happening to them or how they feel about something
Posts: 5403
0 votes RE: Today I learned

That talk might be fruitless and I should act instead

 Hah. I knew all your previous threats were empty. Called it. 

Keep talking 

8 posts
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