02:01 Joseph Klein: "Lol during corona virus this place seems empty"
Case in point. Example A, evidence of SC's rapid fall, from it's glory days of "internet dumpster hall of fame" to, the remaining rubble of internet wars, chastisement and witch hunts (doxing), illegal borderline insane bullying/manipulation, and other wonderful toxic personality traits.
This undoubtedly, insane asylum, was the perfect place for the misfits of the misfits (and the most hated people of the internet who had no friends, or partners- aka, incels) could gather and discuss, their disgusting opinions, and exercise their otherwise, dubious choices in humor and entertainment.
The fun ended too soon, and I believe, though we are all each to blame- there are some pinnacle matters that were make or break for the website, and led to this ghost town feel we have now adorned.
1. Luna vs. TC- the two greatest minds of the website, if they have collaborated their efforts, rather than turning against each other- and put all their energy they put to fighting, into building up the website and making it better- it would have had continued success.
2. Luna, in general, destroyed the site with, dictator like regime, and over-tinkering with the website- with no check and balances, no votes from the people, approval plans, or teams helping her correctly implement her ideas- or, advise her against, implementing them. She focused her energy into what she wanted, instead of what *we* wanted.
-BZ- dividing any website in such a manner, is the worst possible direction for any website. Cohesion is why people come to forums, for attachment, for buzz, for involvement. When everything is far apart, it is boring- just take a look at Russia. Miles of land with nothing in between. No one cares, about rural Russia. Keep your forums like a busy city. This is what people gravitate toward and find entertaining.
3. Arguing over petty details- there was no efficiency team in place to master mind the ultimate betterment of the website, and an advisement board so to speak- of admins and mods that would assist Luna in what she should and shouldn't focus on- based on market analysis. For example- we spent months just working on whether or not we wanted square, or round profile pictures. Meanwhile, the site was at a high for logins, and were demanding streaming platforms for YouTube videos and movie nights, they wanted an improved PM system, they wanted profiles.
-The PM system- the eyesore and failure which bothered me for an entire year. In an offer to help along the websites development Luna offered me the "position" of working on specifically user profiles, and the PM system. The little dot in the corner that is red or green, in every profile picture was also my idea. Once I finished the PM system, I gave it to her. She ran with it, and before testing it, or running it by me first, she implemented it into the website.
It was the worst launch I've ever seen, it was shotty and rushed, glitchy- and, a dollar store version, of the larger more efficient, and beautiful flawless execution I had in mind. Not to toot my own horn, but I was really enjoying the process of designing, however she rushed the process...
I favored the opinion of the people, and believed in beta versions being published, for people to look at, vote on, discuss, etc. Mull it over. And then, back to the drawing board. So and so forth, until it's, as good as it's going to get.
When I saw what she launched I was like, "oh this is just, this was just a beta test right..." and she was like, "nope that's all you get. Now go work on the profiles blancy <3" and I was like nooooo it wasn't FINISHED lol
4. Programming lacked cohesion. Due to the ADD nature of the programmers behind SC, they would get pigeon holed into flighty ideas which never held much ground, they'd tinker with this, tinker with that. And never really complete a single project- and had no over all vision for the website.
5. The lack of customization. Luna said SC must stay within the "theme" she designed it as. I was excited when Good announced we would have different theme options, however they are, not the designs I had envisioned. I started working on my own theme, but as I posted updates of the drafts- people criticized it so heavily, I kept going back to the drawing board but, people simply didn't like it.
(I was going for a black mirror inspired theme, I thought it was really cool but, people weren't seeing my vision I guess. lol)
6. The themes were disappointing. People were initially excited about this, and, the excitement has since died down about the site in general.
7. With Good taking over, this was already a slight hit for the popularity of the website as we essentially had a huge shift to an entire new domain, lost a lot of backups, etc. Losing backups in my opinion was a mistake from the very beginning and all material should of been kept with each consecutive update. It caused people to never return. Large shifts from, domains and, deleting back ups, it's just "unprofessional."
8. The arguments over power, and balance of power, and the discord gangs & their effects... will continue on this later
9. Toxic characters- will continue on this later
10. Ban arguments, Rule arguments, and inability to cohesively agree. will continue on this later
11. The lack of improvement in programming. The updates stopped coming. Stagnation, is never good for a website. Why do you think YouTube, google, Facebook alike- pinterest, instagram, twitter, Tumblr. They all, change. Rapidly. People get mad about it, but, the stagnation- kills a website, worse, than updates. Why did they waste the time on programming insignificant details to be different. You think the design team cared that much? No, darling. It comes down to marketing research. Money. What keeps your site relevant.
-the shottyness of the programming is causing users to leave as well. It is simply a bit dysfunctional, in comparison to other social media websites. Most people don't have the patience for it, or see confusion, and click off.
12. We also had social involvement in the exterior world of internet. Which was really cool to see. It was like, internet gangs almost. It, was entertaining for a lot of people, this concept. I think this should of been encouraged and grown, and "seed planters" for the website should of been put into effect, to help it grow. Traffic, is traffic. It doesn't matter who it is. It sometimes even resulted in press hits, which the users of SC loved seeing.
13. The inability to team build, or, refusal to. will continue on this later
14. Illegal content posters. will continue on this later