So Good aka Meta is working on an updated version of the current SC you are looking at now.
We are having problems with the search feature on this website, as the web host for the domain, is unable to support the weight of our search feature.
It simply won't work.
Meaning, we can no longer search by topic title, and by author of post, or author of topic. It's just too much information for the web host to bear.
Don't get too excited, as SC 2 is not even close to ready yet. But we just wanted to ask you-
To solve the issue of being unable to find old topics you made- would you like to have thread categories, in addition to the standard platform you have on the home page.
Such as a category labelled, "Gaming" where all gaming related threads can be posted under.
Meta said, only mods will be able to alter or make categories.
But this will make it easier to find things you've previously made, if you have a thread you want to continually update over time.
I already threw the idea of profiles at him and he said that would be too demanding on the web host and it would crash it, it wouldn't be possible. I was thinking, just have all the threads each user has authored linked in a long list on someones profile.
But, we are operating within limits my friends.
Let me know what you think of categories, if you want them or not.
If the consensus is no, I will continue brainstorming solutions to this search feature issue.