So this story actually happened. A couple days ago, my brother, our childhood friend, and myself worked a cleaning job for a week before I leave for Madagascar. Last time I worked this job I made about $1000 before taxes so I found it to be in my best interest to try and make a little more money before the trip. The two other guys who originally said that they would be interested in working bailed on me so I had to settle for my brother and our friend Will, who has been living with his parents for some time now. To put it bluntly his experiences of the last two years have been pretty removed from reality, and he was pretty unhinged. We all were a little unhinged though.


When we arrived to the town we first picked up the cleaning supplies off of the bosses deck. There was a good amount of supplies but most of it was cheap shit that not even the lowliest cleaners would be caught dead with. The vacuum was the same tiny green shit that I had to use two years ago and it had only gotten looser. The mop was a cheap rod with a tiny head that spoke fluent Chinese. We were missing the grease lightning chemical too, which we needed to get up the hardened black gunk left by UMASS students. It was a dud to begin with, and on top of this my team was composed of a bunch of kids who don't even understand how to rinse out the shower drain. 


We arrived to the house at about 1 pm. It was a double unit job. The boss told me that we needed to clean it well but most importantly quickly. In the parking lot we finished the three beers we were given by a nice American family whose folding chairs we tried to steal. They were by the side of the road so we thought it was free game but the family had left them there for a parade that went by in the morning. Will went right up to them and asked for a beer. I cussed out the speed bump only to find out that these people also had that concrete smash the bottom of their car. Once they saw my brother George approach they all began to laugh and gave us all beers.


So we drank them and unloaded the car. I went up the stairs into the second unit and set up in the kitchen. It was my duty to clean the oven. Will opened the rooms by dusting all of them and George closed the room by sweeping up the dirt and mopping the ground. George and I split up the bathrooms and I would also clean the kitchen including the refrigerator. Will has a pretty bad concentration and would miss a lot of the dusting. He would keep saying that he was finished and then I would go back to check the surfaces and there would still be dust. I ended up having to do a lot of dusting in the rooms along with the kitchen.