Me. My friend has it and is visiting me. She says she is all better but she still sounds really sick. I hope you are not as infectious in late stages.
Me. My friend has it and is visiting me. She says she is all better but she still sounds really sick. I hope you are not as infectious in late stages.
This sounds untrue, how come your friend can visit you if she has it and is not quarantined?
Quarantines are voluntary. Also no one gets tested here. So if you get it, they rather not wanna know you have it, that is why the testing stopped. If you ask a doc what you have, they tell you it's a cold or the flu.
That means very few people are in home quarantine, just the people who were tested while they still did the tests.
Quarantines are voluntary. Also no one gets tested here. So if you get it, they rather not wanna know you have it, that is why the testing stopped. If you ask a doc what you have, they tell you it's a cold or the flu.
That means very few people are in home quarantine, just the people who were tested while they still did the tests.
Thanks for the Info, Inquirer.
i was tested positive for coronavirus on 1 march and went treatment and 2 weeks quarantine
i am good outside of a higher blood pressure due to lung capacity getting cucked
You lose. I had it in January. Nasty fucking thing. Knocked me flat on my ass for almost 2 weeks and kept me coughing for 2 more after that.
I made a full recovery and I'm fine, now. It'll prolly be another 2 years before I catch another cold and 10 before I catch another flu bc I'm just wired that way. And every unusually potent bronchial thingie that my body kicks (bc I only catch the really potent ones-- 1 cold to every 5 my son comes home with, for a total of one every 2 to 3 years) just strengthens my immunity more :D
Jim was the first, SC's own patient 0.
The second, I would say maybe Challenge Seeker.
Jim has AIDS, doesn't he?
lol that looks like a troll but it's not. I read it on the forum somewhere that he's literally a pos.
Jim would catch everything first if he's an AIDS case.
I had it before the pandemic alerts were issued. I got it from somebody at my favourite Chinese restaurant :(
Jim was the first, SC's own patient 0.
The second, I would say maybe Challenge Seeker.
Jim has AIDS, doesn't he?
lol that looks like a troll but it's not. I read it on the forum somewhere that he's literally a pos.
Jim would catch everything first if he's an AIDS case.
I had it before the pandemic alerts were issued. I got it from somebody at my favourite Chinese restaurant :(
wow racist
i was tested positive for coronavirus on 1 march and went treatment and 2 weeks quarantine
i am good outside of a higher blood pressure due to lung capacity getting cuckedYou lose. I had it in January. Nasty fucking thing. Knocked me flat on my ass for almost 2 weeks and kept me coughing for 2 more after that.
I made a full recovery and I'm fine, now. It'll prolly be another 2 years before I catch another cold and 10 before I catch another flu bc I'm just wired that way. And every unusually potent bronchial thingie that my body kicks (bc I only catch the really potent ones-- 1 cold to every 5 my son comes home with, for a total of one every 2 to 3 years) just strengthens my immunity more :D
.. You were vulnerable and weak and moist for 4 weeks straight?
wow racist
lolwut? I love Chinese people. Especially their food :D
i was tested positive for coronavirus on 1 march and went treatment and 2 weeks quarantine
i am good outside of a higher blood pressure due to lung capacity getting cuckedYou lose. I had it in January. Nasty fucking thing. Knocked me flat on my ass for almost 2 weeks and kept me coughing for 2 more after that.
I made a full recovery and I'm fine, now. It'll prolly be another 2 years before I catch another cold and 10 before I catch another flu bc I'm just wired that way. And every unusually potent bronchial thingie that my body kicks (bc I only catch the really potent ones-- 1 cold to every 5 my son comes home with, for a total of one every 2 to 3 years) just strengthens my immunity more :D
.. You were vulnerable and weak and moist for 4 weeks straight?
Xena is lying. She is a hypochondriac, she did not have corona virus. She’s been complaining about medical problems left and right for years. This is just another one to add to this list.
Maybe she coughed or had the flu/bronchitis, but not corona. Until you ppost some form of proof I just, am not buying that lol