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Posts: 9537
1 votes RE: Felt cute, might delete...

let me break it down for your tiny shrivled up crack fried brain: disdain =/= jealous

People who don't like you and see you as the valueless anxious autistic waste of life that you are aren't jealous of you

translation: I hate myself this much^

Posts: 854
1 votes RE: Felt cute, might delete...

Damb peach why didnt anyone tell me you were so

Sexy with such a cute sense of style! I guess you can be not only nice but also attractive af~ 🎀🎀🎀   


Gotta hand it to you you must have a healthy amount of self esteem to post anything on THIS forum, where everyone insults everyone

stony brook is a really good school
last edit on 3/2/2020 9:09:19 PM
Posts: 9537
1 votes RE: Felt cute, might delete...

I really truly hope this has been a much needed need an educational lesson for you on reality 

Posts: 9537
1 votes RE: Felt cute, might delete...

It's pretty pathetic that you are still so desperate for my attention you continue to post on all my threads. 

I get tons of attention dw, you are just someone to I need to shit on for fun :) to feel more secure about myself

last edit on 3/2/2020 9:08:27 PM
Posts: 9537
0 votes RE: Felt cute, might delete...

out of the 2 of us, I want to make sure I get much much more attention and you are the one who comes off as desperate (not me.)


You I have been desperately begging for SCs approval since you joined but you are I still feel like a boring fugly feminist hag and you who has have yet to do anything impressive or interesting

Posts: 9537
0 votes RE: Felt cute, might delete...

out of the 2 of us, I get much much more attention and you are the one who comes off as desperate 

Desperation is a hunger, not the size of your fridge. 

You have been desperately begging for SCs approval since you joined but you are still a boring fugly feminist hag and you have yet to do anything impressive or interesting

She's selling some of the ugly fashion, so I see improvements on the horizon. 

desire and desperation arent the same thing either tho


I would say I am she is desperate, where as I'm I want to seem more desire based

Posts: 2820
0 votes RE: Felt cute, might delete...
Antares said: 

Peach looking cute af!

Why are all of the girls here so cute? 

 Thanks ^.^ ♡

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 9537
0 votes RE: Felt cute, might delete...

like i want what i want because i want it 


where as she, and med and delora for example will desperately do anything for what they want where as i just casually get what I want and I am no different from them. but want to convince myself I am. 

Posts: 2820
0 votes RE: Felt cute, might delete...

Damb peach why didnt anyone tell me you were so

Sexy with such a cute sense of style! I guess you can be not only nice but also attractive af~ 🎀🎀🎀   


Gotta hand it to you you must have a healthy amount of self esteem to post anything on THIS forum, where everyone insults everyone

 Bless you miss Delora ♡

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 9537
0 votes RE: Felt cute, might delete...

delora *sucks EBZs dick for e-attention and makes like 40 youtube vids trying to get e-famous and it goes nowhere she doesnt even have 1k subscribers*

 Me: *posts a couple 20 second porn clips and instantly gets like almost 100 subscribers in a couple days without needing to rely on anyone else to give me a shoutout and my account isnt even verified* for e-attention. 

 the fact you are comparing these two scenarios, the first one you stated is for attention, confirms that you are doing this online nudity thing for attention. 

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