Turncoat has a lot to say about me, and a lot to say about other people. In fact, I've never met somebody with such a mastery in the fine art of nitpicking as this man. There's a line between constructive criticism and attack, which he claims I fail to comprehend but here's the thing- for a long time I actually paid attention to his criticisms and did not see them as attacks. But then I noticed he had a little criticism for the most ridiculous of shit. Even my PUNS were not spared, PUNS man, PUNS! Then I started to see a little pattern with the dude- his standard protocol for commenting on threads is to think as hard as he can and maybe even use some creativity to find something he dislikes about the original post and then criticize it. It's to such ridiculous lengths that I believe it must be some kind of self validation for his failed psychology degree. He wants to make everybody else out to be an error prone idiot, and yet there's an elephant in the room for ya- he failed to finish his college degree, and he has the audacity to go around nitpicking at people and their merits? Fuck that. I think before he says shit to anyone about their intelligence, ability to be open minded, and all the things he claims we all lack- he should finish his degree before he goes after us all for stupid little shit that doesn't even matter. Oh, I'm sooo closed minded am I? Nah, you are close minded Turncoat, not me. You are more black and white and less self aware than I could ever HOPE to be pal. Too bad you'll never realize it, and I'm sure your circle jerking friends here probably won't either.