Can autism be cured or have the symptoms gi away from cbd? And how do I do it
Yes, I've known blanc for years now. Anyways, CBD and PEA (phenylethylamine) are what are usually used in the treatment of autism right now. Truthfully, there is no cure. Maybe I can help you think about this.
The brain is genetically geared to do different things, it goes different directions. Some people are more geared to be social, and the extreme of that is schizophrenia, where they start seeing intentions where there aren't any. Some people are autistic where they concern themselves with the mechanics of things while being blind to intention. You're not fully autistic, but you're on the spectrum. And that means you have to put more work into understanding social dynamics than most people do, but still you can be fine. And you will probably be very good at pursuing a hobby successfully. I've done a lot of research into this stuff, if you want to know more I can go on.
Yes please go on if you dont mind, as I would like to know more. While there is no cure for autism can i still erase my symptoms? Wdym not fully autistic? If I am diagnosed with autism and have all the symptoms wouldnt that make me autistic? Isnt it either is or is not, even if on a milder scale?