Ever notice how the people that shit on me the most are usually lowlifes and low status? Coincidence? I think not.
Ever notice how the people that shit on me the most are usually lowlifes and low status? Coincidence? I think not.
"Takes one to know one."
From what I've noticed, the people who dislike you just don't find Ogre fucking and autism attractive or desirable traits in the human race
You are one of the lowlifes I speak of.
You are lower than everyone on this site and just projecting. Youre an Ogre fucker my dude, and you have much much less money than I and my family do. My family is well off, and high status, very much unlike you and your incestuous broke ass loser father apple doesn't fall far from the tree
Name the haters
( They are all imaginary, BR is too uninteresting to have actual haters )
Tbh it seems that BohemianRhapsody hates other SC members but no one cares enough about him to hate him, just an observation
Ever notice how the people that shit on me the most are usually lowlifes and low status? Coincidence? I think not.
Pls leave through the door you came in from