Indicators are tools we use to measure how much money is going in and out of a market. My personal favorite is the MACD indicator. ( Moving Average Convergence Divergence (( mac'dee ))
Notice the section beneath the chart. That is the MACD.
For the record, if you want to get serious and monitor your investments, whatever it is in the markets, go to
There is the MACD indicator underneath the GME chart in this case.
How to read it ? I'll water it down. Yellow line is the MACD line, and the blue is the signal line. Once you learn it, it really doesn't matter which is which, what matters is when the lines cross high or low.
In the MACD section we can also see those red and green bars that's like a 2nd guess, but it shows movement in both directions. Between the red and green, would be the 0 point, or invisible line you need not concern yourself with all that much. It's just up and down.
For example. At the very end of the chart, we see the MACD lines cross upward from a low indicating a buy signal, when it happens again it will be at a higher point indicating to the trader to sell.
The MACD is a live trading tool and it's generated alongside the chart. You can set it to 1 minute if you wish. ( Which is the boom diggity if you're trading something as fast as cryptocurrency ) We can see the lines closing in on one another, and our trading is more refined.
Those red and green bars as you can see from the patterns they make, when it goes closer to 0 point, that doesn't always mean it's going to cross over, but technically, most of the time it does.
Happy investing, and remember, don't invest more than you can afford to lose, unless of course you want to do that, it could work out, but anything can happen even when things are looking up.