R.C Sproul...
One time in class his teacher said "How can you say Jesus is the only way to God?". Sproul said "Do you think someone could become convinced that Jesus is one way to God?". She said "Ofc". He said "Then what does a person who is convinced Jesus is one way do when... They read in the bible that Jesus says 'No one comes to the Father except through me'".
We don't know for sure that she *doesn't* do this.
As for his undeniable facts
The body could have been taken by overzealous followers and the-
fact that they would die for what they were proclaiming is a phenomenon that we've continue to see even in modern times. It's cult belief, it's why some(not all- others were forced) of the jonestown members committed suicide, we see it again with Heavens Gate and the cult that suicided on the train tracks. It's not hard to be willing to die for something nonsensical if you believe in it hard enough