> It does have me wonder little things like how many takes he did, or if he ever does these displays of tears publicly or not. It wouldn't be beyond him to have a resume of male crying that he could go back to at any time for a future debate where it'd benefit him to show that kind of "strength".
I was wondering about that too. I can imagine him practising in front of a camera. They call it "crocodile tears." It's a tactic used sometimes by female politicians and criminals to get out of trouble.
> When "crying"... he seems to try to sound like Bert from Sesame Street, but his eyes seem to go red pretty quickly.
He does sound a bit like Bert lol. I wonder if, before he became famous, anyone (his students?) saw him pull this. Thanks for the link.
There was this interview with a priest where the priest called him a sinner or something, and then later he cried and everyone was like "aww Jordy's crying, he can't be bad, can he?" Fake or not, he gets positive results with it.
> He's proven he knows very little about post-modernism and critical theory, though I do enjoy his biblical series.
I think he knows a lot about critical theory. I think he doesn't care about it. Unless it benefits him. If you're right, and nobody listens to you, is it better than if you're wrong, but everyone listens to you? I think he understands how human bias works and how to convince people, on good grounds or otherwise, and how to hide relevant opposing facts.
Most people will give you 60 seconds to make an argument and tune out after 2 minutes. If the 60 first seconds is sound, the rest of the 5 hours can be utter shit but the masses will believe you anyway. They don't give a shit if you're right, they just want to see their enemies crushed and ridiculed.
> it's ok to have emotions
I never said it is not.
> i don't really know why someone would cry about that, i guess it means a lot to him (probably because of something else). i've no season to suspect it's fake, coming from him
Why "coming from him?"