you sound more bitter even than me, prob because i actually had real life relationships and dont need my parents to survive
Who are you talking to ? Nah you're in the bitter boat alone
Stop trying to drag people into your shit pedo
you sound more bitter even than me, prob because i actually had real life relationships and dont need my parents to survive
Who are you talking to ? Nah you're in the bitter boat alone
Stop trying to drag people into your shit pedo
when the community has successfully convinced u to meet up with a crazy old hag to have their drama thirsty throats wetted
murder suicide soon
you sound more bitter even than me, prob because i actually had real life relationships and dont need my parents to surviveWho are you talking to ? Nah you're in the bitter boat alone
Stop trying to drag people into your shit pedo
nah im with my korean gf still, your boat sank to the bottom because of ur weight
when the community has successfully convinced u to meet up with a crazy old hag to have their drama thirsty throats wetted
murder suicide soon
you sound more bitter even than me, prob because i actually had real life relationships and dont need my parents to surviveWho are you talking to ? Nah you're in the bitter boat alone
Stop trying to drag people into your shit pedo
nah im with my korean gf still, your boat sank to the bottom because of ur weight
the escort you paid? ya right disgusting pedo and no it didnt liar
you are the one full of shit constantly cuz u only eat burgers
ewwwwwwwwwwww pedo liar