I've been aware before the forum was aware.So you're over it?
His leaving of the forum doesn't affect me.
How doesn't it? Do you not care about what's going on or something?
It doesn't really matter much what you get her to say as we all know she's lying, but she's doing it 'for the sake of a friend' so there will be no harm done to her image anyway. I suppose you're testing how far she's willing to go lying and how she'll talk herself out of it.
Succubus meanwhile has a drug related avatar and edgy quote in signature. It does ring a bell!
If they weren't trying this hard to paint Succubus as a new user, I'd be thinking they're intentionally making us think it's Cain.
Underwhelming little SC games.
Whaaaaaattt??? Who the hell is cain??? Im new on here. Idk what is going on.