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Medical advice for Jim and anyone currently ill

Posts: 9480

Throat and nasal anti-microbial sprays 

anti microbial hand washing. For 20 seconds with hot water. 

Gargle salt water 

sleep upright, at an angle on your back. 

Ice packs. Ice chips. And worst case, ice baths. 

monitor your fever, take anti-inflammatories, tami-flu, Tylenol flu PM, and alternate with Motrin. 
do not take more than recommended read bottles carefully. You will vomit blood or experience extreme discomfort and stomach ulcers. 
Do not eat dairy. 
Tea, honey, and cough drops. 
hand sanitizer, masks. 
if fever gets above 102, go to hospital immediately. Brain damage. 

heating blankets, hot showers. 

if you can’t sleep and other meds don’t help, Benadryl can be taken on top of other recommended medications and prescription antibiotics to help you sleep. 

Try to keep good nutrition. It’s hard, supplements are ideal when you can’t eat. Get as many vitamins as possible. Protein. Veggies.


stay hydrated as fuck. 

if you cannot eat and don’t want to take supplements, try smoothies and eat a few crackers- saltines or bread with your medications. 

go to clinic and get antibiotics, tami-flu, ask about a hormone injection to help you fight it if your symptoms persist and worsen over the next five days, such as fever chills and shaking, sickness and fatigue are too severe and you are weak. 

The horizons injection works wonders. 

take your antibiotics consistently and all the way through. If you stop just because you feel better this gives the infection a leg up, and will come back with full force or twice as worse potentially! set alarms and reminders to make sure if you fall asleep- and keep your shit on the charger 24/7. 

Netflix and rest. Or YouTube. Gaming. It helps distract from how awful you feel. 

Prophylactic and XOfluza. Ask your doctor when you go to the clinic to have these. It will also help you fight this off significantly faster. 

with the flu you are racing against the clock and you want to get well as fast as possible before it develops into pneumonia. This is when the flu becomes deadly as your lungs fill up with fluid faster than it they can be expelled. 

At that point you may need hospitalization. 

If you are sick longer than 5 days with progressing and worsening symptoms- be weary of the signs of pneumonia or walking pneumonia and see a doctor or go to ER if you are experiencing those symptoms. 

Pneumonia is what is deadly, not the flu. If you smoke, abuse substances once a week or more, or have a weak immune system and pre-existing health conditions you are more susceptible to developing it. As well as elderly of course. 

Do not sniffle your mucous or suppress your coughs. It sucks but, keeping it all in makes the infection worse, and you need to expel as much as you can. Spit out everything you cough up, do not swallow it. Blow your nose do not sniffle it. Always. and then get rid of the trash bin every few hours or at the very least once a day, as keeping it around is just re-exposing yourself to the virus as you’re trying to fight it off.


Kambucha tea. Emergen-C powder. Immune boosting supplements, foods, drinks. Research them and try them out. Emergen-C really helps you fight things faster. ZICAM is more of a preventative but it couldn’t hurt. 

And lastly, please go to clinic and get proper testing for flu, and corona virus if you have travelled in the last two weeks! 

There is high probability you have Flu Type A, there is a cold going around as well, so this could be the cause of your fever. Not the Cov virus but- just to be safe, get tested. That way you can get proper treatment immediately. 

If for some reason you ignore all of this advice and let yourself stay sick at home, if you do begin having seizures or fainting, or feeling like you can’t breath/shortness of breath, headache fatigue and nausea, please call doctor or hospital. Let them know you may have been exposed to corona virus or have the flu- as you have a temperature. And they can help you get treatment and get to the hospital, without infecting anymore people doctors nurses and hospital staff etc. 


please be considerate of others when seeking treatment. Call the clinic you’re going to ahead of time and let them know so they can take proper precautions before seeing you. 

Don’t use public transit. Things like that. 

also there are instructional videos on how to properly put on gloves and a mask- there is a wrong way to go about it that doesn’t help as much. 



last edit on 2/5/2020 8:01:56 PM
Posts: 1937
2 votes RE: Medical advice for Jim ...

apparently i just ate bad food, the restaurant is having an inspection, i vomited and it all went away

its safer to walk around in coronavirus plague in hong kong than to eat in this shithole smh

2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 4
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Blanc what is your status??

Posts: 9480
0 votes RE: Medical advice for Jim ...

there are also ways to clean the air in your home if you are concerned with that but, it’s complicated and expensive. 


bleach your sheets surfaces floors etc. 


if you are worried about infecting other people that may come into your home 


and just keep good hygiene of yourself as well when you bathe. If you puke a lot don’t keep using that same tooth brush you used to wash after puking. 

You can burn off alcohol into the air through a Berger lamp, and do get rid of nasal congestion you can put your face into a humidifier steam thingy, or hot showers work too. 

just make sure to sterilize the steam thingies I’d you use it... sterilize everything you can with... Lysol, betadine, bleach, anti microbial soaps, rubbing alcohol. 


Posts: 9480
0 votes RE: Medical advice for Jim ...

apparently i just ate bad food, the restaurant is having an inspection, i vomited and it all went away

its safer to walk around in coronavirus plague in hong kong than to eat in this shithole smh

 Good. Just monitor your temperature to make sure. Glad you’re feeling better I was seriously worried 

Posts: 1937
0 votes RE: Medical advice for Jim ...
Blanc said: 

apparently i just ate bad food, the restaurant is having an inspection, i vomited and it all went away

its safer to walk around in coronavirus plague in hong kong than to eat in this shithole smh

 Good. Just monitor your temperature to make sure. Glad you’re feeling better I was seriously worried 

ur the best e-mommy <3

2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 9480
0 votes RE: Medical advice for Jim ...

me getting the mucous out of ur nose so you don't get worse sick-y


(no but seriously these things come in handy if you're like, really fucking ill and it hurts to blow your nose/ the mucous is just too much to keep blowing your nose is raw and you don't have the energy anymore because you've done it 18,000 times already) 


this helps to just, lazily get all of it out and KEEP getting all of it out. the more of that shit that goes down your throat and into your lungs, the worse you are infection wise/risk for pneuomonia wise. 


I don't get why people think these are just for babies. I figured this out once when I had the flu in college really really bad one year and I like was so tired I couldn't move anymore. I just like leaned over my bed and like stuck this thing in my nose and kept clearing it out. 


( I had developed bronchitis wee so fun) 


but literally, the flu, is worse than bronchitis in my opinion so. 


guys... be cautious about what you're up to this flu season because it really really sucks, washing your hands makes a huge difference, and just like, think twice about what you use to put things in your. mouth with or, touching your face. 


and if you know someone is ill, stay 12 feet away from them, and don't touch the same surfaces they do. if you have to, wipe down your hands with alcohol pads, or wash readily, carry hand sanitizer etc. before you touch all of your shit, and basically infect yourself. 


like, for example- touch the office door. do a wipe down before you, touch your keyboard and mouse, or phone. etc. 


or, going to school- wipse your desk down really quick with some alcohol wipes or spraying a bottle of it. I knew a girl who was a nurse, I met in design school who did this everyday she came in. and I'm like, damn that's actually so smart. 


it lives on surfaces for 12 to 24 hours. some surfaces longer depending on the type. metal, wood, fabric. 


when you're taking your shoes off, don't use your hands. don't, put things on the floor. the floor is dirty. things like that. 


and avoid hospitals, clinics. doctors office lobbies, health care workers. they're often carriers. etc. don't go unless you absolutely have to, because you're literally garunteed exposure. 


contained spaces, are bad. busses, planes. 


maybe postpone things like, football games, malls, things with large crowds. eating street food. restaurants. 


going to the grocery store is fine but, if you can live off of what you have, I'd honestly wait till flu season passes just because it is kind of a breeding ground. when people shop, they fucking touch everything, and then put it back. they sneeze and cough on their hands then touch the shopping carts. 


but if you go, wipe down your shopping cart handle, buy food that is well packaged and contained. wash hands before cooking, you should be ok. 


but yeah definitely don't travel. guaranteed flu. or hanging with people who have recently traveled. it's everywhere right now. 


if you do go to a hospital/health care setting for some reason, don't eat or drink in there, don't touch anything on your face or ears, try to touch as little shit as possible, and when you go home, take your shoes off outside, don't touch them when doing so, put your shit in the laundry machine immediately and turn them on, lysol shit down you touched like door knob and laundry machine, phone, watch, and then take a hot hot shower with antimicrobial soap. 


this is the daily routine of surgeons and people who work in ICU, phlebotomists, lab techs. this is how you don't bring it home, to make your entire family sick. 


and, lastly, this is a controversial one but- get the flu shot. if you are positive you haven't already been expose to the flu- aka, someone in your immediate circle you've had contact with doesn't have it, then you can get it. it's ideal to do this *before* flu season starts, as it takes some time for your body to build up the anti-bodies. but if you do get the shot, this is not total immunity. only for select strains. but it is still worth it. 


some people don't like the flu shot, or vaccines. but I personally started getting them because it's required if you work in a health care setting, and I realize it has made a difference in my immunity and ability to fight things off, the frequency that I get sick, etc. it used to be worse when I was younger and didn't get flu shots. that's all I can say. 




Posts: 1937
0 votes RE: Medical advice for Jim ...

*giggles at the nosey thingy making noises in my nose*

i hate anti vaxx faggots, they kill their kids and put ppl at risk. i will def get the flu shot

i will have to travel to romania soon because the 3 ppl are trying to come after me for scamming them in autumn kek

i will be staying inside though, i burned all my bridges in romania so i have no friends there = less risk of exposure

2:48Spatial Mind The guy was sticking his dick in an infants mouth, it was so fucking disturbing
Posts: 9480
0 votes RE: Medical advice for Jim ...

yeah, luckily the corona virus is very large in diameter so a mask will help a lot if you wear that in the airport and the plane, etc. 


just keep it on honestly lol while traveling but yeah. hand washing. hand sanitizer. alcohol wipes. 


don't touch ur face. should help significantly. 


I got these recently these are super fun 


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and TSA approved. hand sanitizers. I like the spray better... they smell sooo good and, yay for cleanliness. lol 


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last edit on 2/5/2020 8:38:32 PM
Posts: 9480
0 votes RE: Medical advice for Jim ...

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