Fertility goddess is Aphrodite (Greek) which has changed over time the interpretation of what that looks like and how she is depicted also changes based on geographical location not just tike
and other cultures worship other “fertility gods” in their own respective traditions that are not Aphrodite specifically but come from a completely different origin
also, another art history nerd tip: the Aphrodite images you are comparing to the small carving of the little goddess that is chunkier- they come from *completely* different time persons and historians can only *guess* where the little chunky one originated from or what it respresents
because according to record, the Chunky brown one is just a small carving the size of like a small doll- and it was found literally in the middle of the woods somewhere buried in the dirt. In an area that no one was known to dwell in however it is thought to of had a number of groups travel through this area, theoretically, and believe it was just dropped or lost there in passing by a traveling group.
but because they found multiple images of this same woman, in carvings like so, they thought it must have some significance as if this is what the ideal woman looked like in this culture and time
however, this is speculation. We have no idea if this is a sign of fertility it’s just a guess because of the big hips and boobs.
for all we know, it could be a children’s doll to play with, or it could represent fucking satan or, the goddess of some ocean, or a simple merchant, something. It could be, just a carving that had no significance at all.
which makes more sense, considering it was left in the dirt and forgotten- not on some pedestal somewhere.
But it is most definitely- not Greek in origin, and has nothing to do with Aphrodite.