I used to want to do Tarot reading for others, but I sucked at prediction (although ive improved especially recently, due to highly very intense focused intention and ritual which is the key I was missing in the past)
but now I want to help initiate (major and noticable) change in people's futures instead of predict them, although I also might try out predicting for others again in the future as well, as ive figured out a certain divination ritual that works amazingly
Spellwork costs time and energy, but I want to spellcast for a few people on SC for free, for fun and experimentation
I'm just putting this out here as an intention for the future tho, sorry to be a tease but I have more to learn before I want to try this out, but I will update this thread or make a new one when spellwork requests will be open :):)
currently not taking requests just yet