Turncoat told me that calling Sugar diabetic wasn't original enough. This is concerning, because the implications of the sugar epidemic are very dire.
Lemme hit you with some disgusting facts about sugar-
Sugar is fat. Literally, it's just fat. In the same way that a butterfly is a caterpillar, sugar eventually transforms into pure fat. So exposure to sugar could make you a fat and ugly person.
Sugar makes you hungry for more sugar. I personally don't partake in sugar, but those that do can't seem to stop, no matter how toxic it is for their image and health.
Sugar is insolent- oops I mean, full of insulin. Exposure to sugar may energize you but eventually it will sap away at your ability to even be energized.
Sugar is diabetic.
Sugar is cancer, literally cancer. Over-exposure to sugar can give you cancer.
Oh, and don't be fooled by Splenda- that's just sugar pretending not to be toxic. Fake sugar is still fake sugar.
Last but not least, sugar in it's purest form isn't even white. I'm not a racist but some of you who are may want to factor that.
In summary, sugar is fat, toxic, diabetic, disgusting, full of insulince, and cancerous.
Sugar must be stopped.