Decentralize the American Kitchen.
There's more than Ovens, Refrigerators, and even Microwaves.
*autistically bangs pots and pans around in the kitchen, throws ingredients into the pan oh what would a retard choose oh yes! Garlic and pineapple, extra extra garlic and why even cook it just eat it raw covered in oil. Yummy yummy *autistically spasms and spergs and bangs ugly crackhead face on the floor**
doop doop doop time to carve more soap! *hand flaps all the way to her soap loaf station*
Decentralize the American Kitchen.
There's more than Ovens, Refrigerators, and even Microwaves.
Like... Blenders?
i've been pirating a lot of food courses recently. wolfgang pucks's masterclass. baking pastries and deserts, cooking with vegetables, essential secrets of spices in cooking, how to master outdoor cooking, making great meals in less time, making healthy food taste great, rediscovering the lost are of cooking, the joy of mediterranean cooking. making food is such a joy
It would be a little disorganized to have your kitchen spread out everywhere like the Internet.
My new goal is to get a long table full of appliances in my kitchen so everything is there and ivdonthave to pull it out of a cupboard when I need it.
It would be a little disorganized to have your kitchen spread out everywhere like the Internet.
My new goal is to get a long table full of appliances in my kitchen so everything is there and ivdonthave to pull it out of a cupboard when I need it.
We actually need a table for the coffee machine and toaster oven, lets go shopping.