So, I am by no means a music expert. But man, music that employs heavy use of Arpeggios really hits the spot. So what is an arpeggio? It's a broken chord, basically the chord sounds like a bunch of notes going successively. This is like the basis of Yngwie Malmsteen's playing style, so you know it's legit. However it can manifest into any form of music (hip hop, synthwave, ect.) Im gonna hit you with a few examples of songs that use arpeggios wonderfully.
I think the arpeggio gives metal a classical flair, and for electronic and hip hop it gives it a kind of psychadelic/wavey vibe. I always described it to myself as feeling like I'm surfing on the broken notes through a sea of neon lazers when I hear arpeggios used well.
Anyway, what about you? Do you have any good arpeggio heavy songs?