Heroin ey? Nah, I don't believe you. You don't mention anything about the insane withdrawals.
I'm quitting Tramadol and buprenorphine, been doing that shit for a few years. Day 9 off (and last time I used I just dipped my toe in, before that it was a day to day use). I still feel like I'm dying every second. The nausea is terrible. The pain is terrible. The temperature fluctuations are terrible.
So I'm quitting something lighter, and no I don't even think about urge, I just focus on this crappiness. And heroin withdrawals, even if they might last shorter (this usually lasts 1-2 weeks in the worst stage), are much worse. I doubt anyone will use heroin responsibly and not ending up taking it every day, when milder opioids make you do such.
Also you don't even describe the drug in a proper way. Any opioid will make you feel really yummy. You will not just be out of it. That is simply not true. What you would feel, is to be cradled by God.
We're all special. But you're no more special than anyone else.
Fix your life. Addiction to attention is just the most assholeish addiction you could choose.