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Elizabeth Warren shows her depravity and lost the dem nominee

Posts: 1100

This is a complete below the belt move on so many levels and really shows how pointless the dem debates are.  at this point the debates are only good for telling what the party as a whole is for, because any individuals will be completely ostracized if they deviate whats thought as too little.

First, this shows that the candidates have control over which questions are asked in the debate.  Clearly Warren told them to ask that. She set Bernie up and completely threw him under the bus.  She made up a lie and had CNN phrase it as a truth.  She responded as if it was known to be a truth, attempting to make bernie look like a lier.  I dont even like dems but i feel bad for bernie.

The american people see through this bullshit and Warren lost her chance at election, the straw that broke the camels back (bc she looks like a camel)

Posts: 1100
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And bernie handled this situation like a champ

Posts: 3218
0 votes RE: Elizabeth Warren shows ...

Obama supports Elizabeth Warren, but not Joe Biden who was his vice President.

Awhile back I wrote about how the DNC won't give the people their vote. That being the true front runners, Sanders and Yang, will get rigged out, and they will give you Biden and Warren. 

Biden is shit out of luck while the DNC is attempting to cover his ass with fake impeachment trials, so it's being reported that Warren is the frontrunner on the polls for the DNC now.

Like damn. Sanders is able to fill stadiums, and the DNC literally got caught rigging the election twice. 



Posts: 1100
0 votes RE: Elizabeth Warren shows ...

Obama supports Elizabeth Warren, but not Joe Biden who was his vice President.

Awhile back I wrote about how the DNC won't give the people their vote. That being the true front runners, Sanders and Yang, will get rigged out, and they will give you Biden and Warren. 

Biden is shit out of luck while the DNC is attempting to cover his ass with fake impeachment trials, so it's being reported that Warren is the frontrunner on the polls for the DNC now.

Like damn. Sanders is able to fill stadiums, and the DNC literally got caught rigging the election twice. 

 What instances were they caught rigging the elections, im not familiar with what youre refering to


I dont think it would be between warren and biden if the people voted on the candidates. it would be between biden and someone else. maybe bernie

 only problem with biden is that hes getting so old that his speech is failing him. and that will ultimately become known during the Dem vs Rep debates 

last edit on 1/24/2020 4:17:32 PM
Posts: 3218
0 votes RE: Elizabeth Warren shows ...
FOTS said: 

Obama supports Elizabeth Warren, but not Joe Biden who was his vice President.

Awhile back I wrote about how the DNC won't give the people their vote. That being the true front runners, Sanders and Yang, will get rigged out, and they will give you Biden and Warren. 

Biden is shit out of luck while the DNC is attempting to cover his ass with fake impeachment trials, so it's being reported that Warren is the frontrunner on the polls for the DNC now.

Like damn. Sanders is able to fill stadiums, and the DNC literally got caught rigging the election twice. 

 What instances were they caught rigging the elections, im not familiar with what youre refering to


I dont think it would be between warren and biden if the people voted on the candidates. it would be between biden and someone else. maybe bernie

 only problem with biden is that hes getting so old that his speech is failing him. and that will ultimately become known during the Dem vs Rep debates 

 Biden was leading the fake poll before his reputation got smeared with the Ukraine scandal. Now Warren is leading the fake poll as she's being propped up. Her supporters are anti Trump who really know nothing of her policies. Meanwhile the majority of Liberals are saying Sanders and Yang. All they have to do is prop up a front runner, and that runner will get support. This happened to Ron Paul twice. Like Sanders, he was filling Stadiums while Mitt Romney wasn't. When Mitt got the GOP, he then had tons of support from the people. Ron Paul was the true front runner, getting more donations than his competition from the people. 4 million in 1 day once. Electric crowds. But no. Same thing between Bernie and Hillary. Bernie draws massive crowds while Hillary was visiting school gyms with everyone bunched up in the corner to make it look like the place was full for the camera.

And yes the polls on mainstream media is fake. I'll get into that another time maybe, but it's simple stuff.

As for your first question....

The DNC was caught rigging the system by putting Hillary Clinton ahead of Bernie Sanders for the 2016 GOP, this was evident in emails acquired by wikileaks.

Even Warren knows

Debbie Wasserman Schultz was the chair of the DNC for almost 10 years, and due to the election rigging she ended up resigning. There was also a hearing and a class action lawsuit the mainstream never really focused on.


It doesn't stop there cause after Schultz stepped down, Donna Brazile took her place and also resigned shortly after in the wake of another scandal.

Donna then came clean and wrote a tell all book, mentioning how the Clinton Foundation donated money to save the DNC in exchange for some perks. Though CNN cut her off, she now backtracks and says the election process was a fair one. Meanwhile she also resigned from being DNC chair in a matter of months. 

Might want to take a nibble out of this one, but you get the point since even the View talks about it.

Or you can skim a ton of these


THIS ONE, the DNC gets sued. Look at the Lawyer serving the DNC okay.

The Lawyer's name is Shawn Lucas and he was murdered within a very short period of time after serving the DNC a class action lawsuit from Sanders supporters. They donated money for Sanders, they get a rigged process.

Posted Image

Now Shawn Lucas has been laid down next to some other Clinton related murders. About 5 of them. More interesting than Lucas's murder, is DNC staffer Seth Rich.

Seth Rich worked in systems for the DNC. SYSTEMS..... Okay.

Seth Rich was then killed in what was reported to be a robbery gone wrong, though nothing was taken, his watch laptop wallet, all in tact.

Seth Rich died in hospital..... WIKILEAKS, offered a $20,000 reward on information for the death of this DNC staffer. BECAUSE THE LEAKED EMAILS ARE AN INSIDE JOB, and NOT a Russian hack.

Posted Image

That interview was within the same month Seth was killed.

Back to Election rigging.

HIDDEN CAM: NYC Democratic Election Commissioner, "They Bus People Around to Vote"

We can find footage of illegal immigrants voting, as they do not ask for any ID. Also footage of Republican voters getting delisted, or their electronic voting machine will switch their votes, but it never goes the other way. Plus more voter fraud coverage the mainstream doesn't talk about. Donna Brazile is also cut off from CNN, which is interesting. They talk about her book but they do it in a damage control manner. As if they'd know how things really went down.

Bernie Sanders is spineless when it comes to the voter fraud against him. His initial response is proving difficult to find, but I'm starting to wonder if his job was to feed his supporters to Hillary once he started backing her.

Democratic GOP runner Tulsi Gabbard addressed this as well.







Posts: 2818
0 votes RE: Elizabeth Warren shows ...

Yang gang yang gsng yang gang

Sc is pretty boring.
Posts: 94
0 votes RE: Elizabeth Warren shows ...

No one can beat Trump, so its really a waste of time even thinking about the democrats. Trumps getting some huge minority swing votes now that everyone sees he's not really a racist. He just used the racist people to get votes the first time around. HAHAHAHAHHAAA

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