It's nice to hear that you're cooking more now, it saves a surprising amount of money.
What kind of food have you been making?
It is disgusting, I just arrived back at this house 3 days ago and walked in to a shithole with a new roommate I was never informed about
No- no. Period blood food is disgusting.
The oven matches the habit.
Pasta dishes, breakfast foods, more pasta dishes, sometimes I stir up some veggies , cook some chicken or a burger. That's just the stove top. Also baking a bit of pizzas, and cinnamon rolls lol
No- no. Period blood food is disgusting.
Blood tastes o good tho, and this blood is full of hormones and it's just sexy knowing that my partner like, ate a part of me.
Don't most guys get turned on thinking about girls swallowing cum? That's even more disgusting. Blood at least tastes good
No- no. Period blood food is disgusting.
Blood tastes o good tho, and this blood is full of hormones and it's just sexy knowing that my partner like, ate a part of me
But that was a joke, nobody is that psychotic...not including placenta eaters
No- no. Period blood food is disgusting.
Blood tastes o good tho, and this blood is full of hormones and it's just sexy knowing that my partner like, ate a part of me
We used to banish women on the rag to the woods. Now they just lick each other's period blood. It's like the retarded kid making poop drawings on the wall became socially acceptable somehow.
It's body waste. The only people preaching that itsi somehow healthy are mentally Ill.
They should just bury those mothers with their children
Blood isnt waste. It's blood. Do you need to go back to 9th grade biology?
There is no difference between menstrual bloodand blood from a cut. Its all sticky life necter.
You are fucking stupid. Ofc there is a difference. Do you need 4th grade sex ed again?